Will GNHLUG be at NEARFEST this weekend ?

If so, would GNHLUG like Ubuntu LoCo support vis-a-vis the recent 8.04
Hardy Heron release ?
I note the recent Ubuntu Newsletter #88 featured a Hamfest outreach by
LoCo (see below).

If I can get a few boxes of Gutsy 7.10 CDs and some Hardy Heron 8.04
CDs from Mass LoCo team, I'll bring them up with me Friday &/or
Saturday (as well as to MIT Fleas in future), and maybe
Installfest/Explo:Ubuntu flyers.
(Maybe I'll take some to Photographica in Wakefield on the way home
too Saturday.)

73 de
Bill N1VUX

There is not an Ubuntu NH LoCo team yet.
There is a Maine team and a Mass team under an umbrella "NU Ubuntu
Team" (Northeastern United States of America Ubuntu Local Community
Team :=  I-95 + VT per Census definition)
Mass LoCo has Exploration:Ubuntu installfest/demos at MIT, and
community based training events, and more to come.

 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue88  ... Excerpt ...
LoCo News  - "Northeast Louisiana Regional Ham RadioFest"
   The Louisiana LoCo team had a booth at the Northeast Louisiana
Regional Ham RadioFest on Saturday April 26th. They passed out cds,
stickers, flyers and had a giveaway that included Ubuntu t-shirts, and
two complete computers running Ubuntu Hardy Heron. There was a lot of
interest in Ubuntu by the attendees and many people were excited to
try out the latest version. In addition to the booth, the team also
held a presentation followed by a Q&A session with good attendance.
Everyone was excited and receptive. At the end of the day the team got
a chance to relax at the release party and enjoy some good food and
fellowship. It was a very successful day. A special thank you to all
those team members who were able to attend and help out with the
booth, it wouldn't have been possible without you!
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