TWiki.Www - Automated notification of topic changes

2005-08-04 Thread jbd+gnhlugtwiki
This is an automated email notification of TWiki. Topics in TWiki.Www that changed since 02 Aug 2005 - 21:14 GMT: - WhosGoingToTheSummerSummit2005 (BruceDawson) Review recent changes in:

RFC: Add Twiki change notification to the -org list

2005-08-04 Thread Ted Roche
Yeahs or nays, please, on subscribing the -org list (you are on it if you are reading this) to the daily change notification from the GNHLUG Twiki. There are three webs of interest: Main, Organizational and WWW, and most days there are no changes. On a busy day, there would be at most