> Does this also mean I have to try and disable the drums that sound 
> before I type my login information?
No, those are for the system (all users) while you should just disable 
the ESD sound mixing in gnome for your user account.
> When I disable the sounds do they all disable or do I have to uncheck 
> each sound individually?
I've gone through the sequence of keystrokes on a standard Ubuntu 
desktop. Hopefully this will help:

Alt-F1, Left-Key, Down-Key, Right-Key, S-Key 4 times, Enter-Key
(or if you prefer: Alt-F2, then type 'gnome-sound-properties')

You should now be in the Sound Preferences window

Press Tab-key and spacebar.

That should have turned off ESD mixing for your account.

Finally, press Alt-F4 to close that window.

You probably have to log out and back in to test it.

- Henrik
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

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