On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 23:59, Brett Clippingdale wrote:
> Linux Screen Reader (LSR) was presented at the Linux Desktop
> Developers' Conference today as part of a talk titled "Accessibility
> Enablement and Usability for GTK Applications."
> Of particular interest to all developers is a short accessible
> programming HOWTO.  The document, "Guidelines for Writing Accessible
> GNOME Applications: Using GTK+ and the Accessibility Toolkit (ATK)",
> has examples in C and Python, and is available at:
> http://accessibility.freestandards.org/~gk4/a11y/ddc06/guide/atkguideddc06.html

Thanks to Kathy Laws for helping put that document together.  It's still
in draft form and is under review, so bear that in mind.  There are a
few things in it, for instance the references to MSAA, which might be
confusing to Gnome developers - the MSAA (Microsoft Active
Accessibility) comparison table is for the convenience of assistive
technology and application developers who are already familiar with
MSAA, so that they can relate it to Gnome's ATK interface.  There is no
direct relationship between the two technologies (they actually have a
number of significant differences), and non-MSAA developers should
probably just ignore that section.

I would also strongly encourage all Gnome developers to read the
documents referenced at the Gnome Accessibility Project website
under the heading "Every GNOME Developer Should Read"...

     * GNOME Accessibility for Developers : How to make GNOME 2.0
Applications Accessible
      * Testing GNOME Applications for Accessibility document, written
        by Wipro Technologies.
      * Making Applications Accessible (includes information on ATK
        support for custom widgets)

Best regards,


> The abstract, presentations, and example applications presented are
> available on LSR's DDC 2006 page:
> http://live.gnome.org/LSR/DDC06
> A screencast of the LSR scripting example presented at DDC is also available:
> http://accessibility.freestandards.org/~gk4/a11y/ddc06/lsr-sc-ddc06.html
> The DDC main website for 2006 is:
> http://www.desktopcon.org/2006/
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