On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 6:43 AM, Felipe Borges <felipebor...@gnome.org>

> Hi,
> I've recently reported a bug[0] about my desire of having a more
> complex preferences dialog for my extension (powered by GtkStacks,
> stack switchers et al just like modern gnome apps).
> I understand that letting the extension devs handle all the extension
> preferences dialog could be somehow 'too permissive', causing design
> discrepancies. But still, I think that letting extension devs access
> the extensionPrefs dialog headerbar could result in way better
> designed dialogs.
> If there's a proper way of achieving that without this patch, please
> let me know. :)

It might be a hack, but you can do widget.get_toplevel().get_titlebar(),
and that will give you the headerbar of the current window.
As always, it could break from one version to another, but heh, gnome-shell
extensions already do that :)



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