Hello everyone,

I am the leader of the SOHA research-action project whose main objective is to introduce open science and open access to Haiti and Francophone Africa. SOHA is part of OCSDnet : http://ocsdnet.org/projects/universite-laval/.

For nearly 18 months, a huge work has been done. One great outcome is the emergence of young open access leaders in these countries. You can read their blog posts (in French) at http://www.projetsoha.org/?page_id=60.

In Haiti in particular, as a result of our March symposium on "open science and open access as a tool for sustainable development", a group of undergraduate students enrolled in the State University of Haiti have decided to establish an association promoting open access and cognitive justice. During the last three months, they made radio broadcasts, published blog posts and organized two training workshops, especially in northern Haiti where they gathered a hundred students!

I organized with and for them two sessions on Open science and cognitive justice at the next World Social Forum to be held in Montreal (August). They will present their work, their strategy and their arguments. Our hope is that they will thus affect students and researchers of the Global South who will also be there. The Association Science and Common Good that I chair will fund in solidarity their accommodation and meals, but we decided to do a fundraiser to pay for their air tickets and visa fees.

I therefore appeal to your generosity to make that trip real. It will both reward these students for their so effective engagement for open science, it will boost their energy and it may radiate into the network of the World Social Forum.

Please read the page that tells their story in more details.

 * On our website, you'll find the paypal button that allows you to
   make your donation at limited administrative costs for
 * But if you prefer, we have also created a crowdfunding project on
   Generosity/Indiegogo :
   -go-to-the-wsf on Indiegogo.

Counting on your commitment and generosity!

Florence Piron

responsible for project SOHA http://projetsoha.org

Laval University

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