Finch II has obviously timed its press release Monday to coincide with a
similar one from the other home-base of Reed-Elsevier, the Netherlands:

Here are some quick Google Translation excerpts from just-released the
Dutch Gold OA Manifesto, clearly timed to coincide with Finch II's
reaffirmation of its Gold preference, for which the Press Release will
appear tomorrow.

I'll comment on Finch II shortly. The publishing Lobby is obviously in
overdrive -- Gold mandates, pre-emptive payment, hybrid Gold, Extended Big
Deals to sustain current revenue levels during "transition"… ---

But don't worry, there is neither the money nor the imbecility worldwide to
buy into such a publisher fantasy scheme. It is no coincidence that this
drive is coming from UK & Netherlands where the big publishers and their
lobbyists are based. (in the US, all they have is the FIRST Act.) The
nuclear weapon that will defend against this is…: The Immediate-Deposit
Mandate & Button...

Excerpts from

Sander Dekker, Secretary of Education, Culture and Science, Netherlands:

"A clear choice in favour of Open Access publications; the transition
process provides the necessary speed and shortens the transition period,
thus avoiding unnecessary additional costs... .

"The Green road is the form in which the author publishes an article in a
journal. In addition, the author deposits a version of the article in Open
Access electronic archive ( repository ). There are both discipline-based
and university-based repositories. The system of paid subscriptions to
journals continues. Publishers often negotiate embargo periods that can
range from several months to several years before an article can be made
OA through a repository. During the embargo period, only the paid version
of the journal accessible. This constitutes a source of revenue for
publishers. Moreover, there are publisher restrictions on the version of an
article in the repository. Sometimes this may only be the version that has
not yet been peer reviewd...

"Netherlands is in a special position because it has a number of major
scientific publishers within its borders. That makes dialogue between
science and the Dutch publishing possible...

"In the UK, a national committee chaired by Dame Janet Finch laid the
foundation for the Open Access policy of the United Kingdom. The report of
the Commission Finch serves as a solid standard . It contains a thorough
analysis of developments and progress. The Committee notes that due to the
major changes it is imperative that all players act together and she
advises to achieve by focusing on Open Access journals. Transition
Following this advice, the British government earmarked 10 million pounds
for Open Access. The initial signs indicate that this has not led to an
accelerated transition , but rather a continuation of the transition...

"The transition to the Golden Road: My preference is for Open Access
publishing in journals  that make their articles accessible free, the
Golden road. My aim is to achieve OA within ten years: a full transition to
Open Access Golden Road by 2024. to achieve this, at least 60 percent of
the scientific publications Open Access should be available in about five
years through the Gold OA journals...

"The real change can only be achieved if we work together at the
international level with National cooperation and coordination equally

"Open Access in the coming years: Dutch universities, KNAW and NWO should
give priority to Open Access Golden road...

"While the publishers have not yet made the transition to Open Access
Golden road I prefer hybrid Open Access, where the institution pays for
publication in a traditional journal...

"For disciplines where the potential for Gold Open Access journals is still
limited, it is possible to provide OA via the Green road...

"1. Consultation with likeminded countries: I will get in touch with a
number of like-minded countries to promote and acceleration Open Access. I
refer primarily to the United Kingdom and Germany . This is because there
are a large number of important commercial and academic publishers in the
Netherlands and in these two countries i. In addition, Denmark, Finland,
Belgium and France are leading like-minded countries...

"2. Create conditions under which open access possible: An important
momentum in the transition to Open Access publications when the scientific
organizations and major scientific publishers agree on subscriptions to
scientific journals . This 'big deals' always apply for some years…."

"3. reports: If the parties concerned are not sufficiently committed , or
developments in insufficient progress , the minister and I imagine that the
obligation to publish  Gold OA to be included in the Law on Higher
Education in 2016 Open Access and Research Act (WHW )…."

Sander Dekker, Secretary of Education, Culture and Science, Netherlands
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