Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Looking back, taking stock ... (Eduardo Faleiro)

2012-03-15 Thread J. Colaco jc
Selma Carvalho  wrote: Dear NRI Commissioner, [1] We will miss you. [2] You spoke our language, the last of the refined Goan politicians who knew their Chardonnay from their Savignon Blanc. [3] Who could switch seamlessly between Konkani, Portuguese and English. [4] You served your state well

[Goanet] Mr. Arwin Mesquita's brilliance 3

2012-03-14 Thread J. Colaco jc
The Arwin wrote (non-insultingly, of course) thus to Soter: Soter, with all your intelligence and high non-ignorance pls explain.. Now, the cry baby is whining thus (mainly because his/her Churchillian patracar English was nailed): 'Guess you are still with your pathetic un-productive

[Goanet] Fwd: Reverse Osmosis by Soter

2012-03-14 Thread J. Colaco jc
Soter wrote:  The cristao fans are yet to understand about 'double speak' in politics. The hosannas sung about Cristaos having turned to BJP need to be consumed with a pinch of salt. Pomp marpak is the common expression. One should not be taken aback to witness the reverse osmosis in days to come.

Re: [Goanet] Mr. Arwin Mesquita's brilliance 2

2012-03-13 Thread J. Colaco jc
Arwin Mesquita wrote: I request you to also please read the local Goa newspapers and notice how many (including Congress Politicians) are agreeing with most of my views(in your opinion 'GAS'); as to why the Congress was routed in the March12 elections. RESPONSE: Oh brilliant one, Exquisite

Re: [Goanet] Congress idefeat introspection

2012-03-12 Thread J. Colaco jc wrote: Churchill was an elected representative. I approached him to be fair, he did nothing and so I held him to It. That's about it. Appears you still have axes to grind but at least be RATIONALE(not immature) about it!! Oi Arwin, Did you attend the same patshalla as

Re: [Goanet] Mapusa and the new dispensation

2012-03-12 Thread J. Colaco jc
[1] Tony de Sa: Mapusa reeks like a pig sty and is in a total shambles. From being North Goa's premier shopping/ bazaar town, it has descended to becoming a ghanti town. The problem with Mapusa is the same as what ails most of Goan towns. Please don't glorify them by calling them cities. [2]

Re: [Goanet] Mr. Arwin Mesquita's brilliance

2012-03-12 Thread J. Colaco jc
Arwin Mesquita wrote: You say it is disgraceful to respond to me, so why DID you respond to my emails? RESPONSE: Dear Mr. Mesquita, One of the hallmarks of a politician is his brilliant ability of 'misrepresenting' the words of others. A politician will sometimes do so

Re: [Goanet] Congress defeat introspection

2012-03-11 Thread J. Colaco jc wrote this to Soter: My POINT was why Congress lost the elections and not if others were not tainted. KHOMMENT: I will accept that the above from Arwin is an attempted question, albeit one which is scripted in very poor English. How does it become a point? jc ps: Fhu

Re: [Goanet] Reading History by Indians (their biases having been considered)

2012-03-09 Thread J. Colaco jc
[1] re: Phurdher Reeding bhut NOT Phor the blind (phrom jc) [2] Frederick FN Noronha preachated the following: Being visually challenged is usually not something we have control over. As such, it is best not referred to as if it's someone's fault. It could happen to any of us. FN [3] RESPONSE:

[Goanet] A letter from 'Manohar Parrikar' 2012

2012-03-08 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dears, First of all, please allow me to Congratulate YOU for having made the right choice and throwing the scoundrels out. Secondly, I also Thank You for giving me all this advice wrt what I should and should not do. I believe that ALL the advice is really good. I only have one problem with

[Goanet] Reading History by Indians (their biases having been considered)

2012-03-08 Thread J. Colaco jc
Bernado Colaco wrote: Time for Manohar Parricar to convert to Catholicism Sandesh Anvekar responded: if 70% of Hindus (aka Aryans) wanted to throw 30% Beaf and Bread lovers etc COMMENT: I have skipped Sandesh's bigoted remarks. During my formative years in the city then known as Poona, I used

[Goanet] How should Fr. Bismarque respond?

2012-03-07 Thread J. Colaco jc
Nelson Lopes fwded: Should priests be in politics? by Dr. (Fr.) Ambrose Pinto SJ Father Bismarque Dias is a candidate of the civil society group for contesting the Cumbharjua constituency for the forthcoming Goa State elections. It is a normal practice that priests cannot be in active politics

Re: [Goanet] BJP :Remove these videos from Youtube Bernado Colaco

2012-03-07 Thread J. Colaco jc
Sandesh Anvekar wrote: [1] BC, I don't really get your point here. One one side you admit the brutality of European invaders, on other hand you don't want this to be passed on. [2] I am not sure if this is a conspiracy of any political party but don't you know that Those who ignore history,

Re: [Goanet] Anatomy of the Alemaos

2012-03-07 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 7 March 2012 05:14, Eugene Correia wrote: I hoped our clinical eye, the Rt. Hon JC would have caught that. ..Eugene CORREIA (not Monteiro) . Good to see Selma back on the ground. ..Valanka and Caitu and Valanka could have pipped Caitu at the finishing

Re: [Goanet] Goa dodges a bullet (jc)

2012-03-07 Thread J. Colaco jc
re: my comment about: some patracar logik Desmond Monteiro commented: I would call it 'patracar illogik'. COMMENT: Baba Desmond. the term 'Patracar Logik' is an oxymoron. By nature, Patracars are illogikal, and brilliantly so. jc

Re: [Goanet] The Monserrates

2012-03-06 Thread J. Colaco jc
Eugene Correia wrote: 1: Whatever one may say about Babush's criminality, 2: The IT case hit the headlines. There is little hope or no hope at all that the BJP will pursue the case. 3: If reports are to be believed that Parrikar did match-fixing with Babush 4: These two are known to be closet

Re: [Goanet] A steep mountain to climb

2012-03-06 Thread J. Colaco jc
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: Finally - Manohar should begin his tenure with a gesture to the Catholic community.  It must be something meaningful, and not perceived as a political gimmick.  Some believed that his apology before the election was insincere and calculated only for

Re: [Goanet] Goa dodges a bullet (Rajan P. Parrikar)

2012-03-06 Thread J. Colaco jc
[1] Desmond Monteiro wrote: the main beneficiaries of disharmony between communities are boorish outsiders with absolutely no knowledge or understanding of our common past. [2] Frederick FN Noronha wrote: Blame-it-on-the-outsider is a good ideology. KHOMMENT: At times like this, I really

Re: [Goanet] A thought on Triumph of Secularism

2012-03-05 Thread J. Colaco jc
Frederick FN Noronha wrote: At times like this, I really almost believe that JC does us all a major disservice by letting his personal likes and dislikes get the better of him. Response: At times like this, I really almost believe that FN does us all a major service by letting his personal

Re: [Goanet] A thought on Triumph of Secularism

2012-03-04 Thread J. Colaco jc
When I read Eugene's post, I thought I'd tell him the following thoroughly researched but cockamamie story: The thoroughly researched story: The year was 1966. Dotor Kui was the acting CM of Goem. Chacha Alfredo de Tavares was the Presidente of the Camara Municipal de Pangim. The three of us were

Re: [Goanet] The list system

2012-03-03 Thread J. Colaco jc
Mogal Tonybaba, re: the List system, I invite you to refer to the Constitution of India wsr to Electoral Law and ascertain whether there are any provisions for such a method of election or selection at the Lok Sabha/Vidhan Sabha level. A number of countries around the world have received calls

Re: [Goanet] Hotmail -

2012-03-03 Thread J. Colaco jc
Roy pacheco wrote: Who is eligible to vote in the up coming election? Is it the residents of Goa,Russians,Israelis and the countless foreigners? if they are not allowed to vote,how come they have a resident permit? RESPONSE: Baba Pacheco! Ask yourself this question:

Re: [Goanet] Idiots Against Congress

2012-03-01 Thread J. Colaco jc
 SOTER wrote: Kiran Bedi seemed to be provoking Catholics to at least abstain from voting the Congress if they do not want to vote for BJP by using Article 49 (O). Will gullible Catholics once again allow themselves to be duped into not voting? COMMENT: Soter, this is absolute

Re: [Goanet] COLUMN: Goan brethren – Goa’s fate lies in your hands

2012-03-01 Thread J. Colaco jc
Nisser Dias wrote: [1] Team Anna member Kiran Bedi has put forth a very good suggestions. a: First to vote for a good candidate and after formation of the government, press him to demand that Lok Ayukta to be constituted in letter and spirit within a short time. b:

Re: [Goanet] Why I thought of Ponnje when I was in New Orleans, recently

2012-02-29 Thread J. Colaco jc
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: [1] There is no denying the positive influence of the Portuguese on Goa. [2] I yield to no one in my denunciation of the wanton destruction, brutality and religious bigotry they wrought in their early years. (...) it is equally true that the latter

Re: [Goanet] Racism, Britain, Goan expat workers....

2012-02-29 Thread J. Colaco jc
re: Racism, Britain, Goan expat workers [1] Frederick FN Noronha declared: Sir Alfred, The debate only threw up more light on our attitudes. [2] Gabriel de Figueiredo asked: And they are ... ? REMINDER to all the minions of GoaNet Thou shalt NOT question Xri Administrador FN at anytime

Re: [Goanet] Let us bring back the better days for Goa.

2012-02-28 Thread J. Colaco jc
We Goans wrote: While we have the chance, let us be part of the turning point that will bring back the better days for Goa. A simple judgement on our part on the day of elections will make it happen. The performance of the present govt in Goa is for all to see. It will be

Re: [Goanet] Good Bye Congress Thank You for Nothing!!!

2012-02-26 Thread J. Colaco jc
Sandeep Heble wrote: Good Bye Congress Thank You for Nothing!!!     POSTED BY DR OSCAR REBELLO | RESPONSE: Oscarbaba, Once upon a recent time, you were coddling with the Kangress Kaka Now you are saying ...Good Bye Congress What is next? Good Bye Kangress and

Re: [Goanet] the CSF, MM et al

2012-02-21 Thread J. Colaco jc
Marshall Mendonza 'inter alia' wrote: I do not seek your agreement to what I write nor do I lose my sleep if you disagree. Whenever I come across wrong, incorrect or misleading reporting /information, I try to place on record to the best of my ability the correct information backed by solid

Re: [Goanet] carnival parades cancelled

2012-02-20 Thread J. Colaco jc
Eugene Correia wrote: In today's Navhind Times, I saw an advertisement for a carninal parade or celebration in Curtorium. The government has cancelled its parades in the cities. Can private parties organized village-based parades? QUESTIONS: 1: what kind of a question

[Goanet] The Aldona bus tragedy

2012-02-19 Thread J. Colaco jc
There have been a number of posts relating to this tragic accident. Tragedies such as this always plunges us into grief. I will avoid commenting on the cancellation of the Carnival. I am not sure why it exists in the first place. As far as I am concerned, it is a un-classy and worthless excuse to

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Electoral politics as road to salvation? (Chhotebhai)

2012-02-19 Thread J. Colaco jc
Chhotebhai wrote: CONCLUSION: The conclusion that one arrives at is that electoral politics is certainly not the only option available to Rev (not Father) Bismarque Dias, if indeed he wants to fight corruption and cleanse Goan society. If he still feels so strongly about

Re: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India's temple prostitutes | The CSF

2012-02-18 Thread J. Colaco jc
[A] First, a joke (or evidence of rank stupidity) from Marshall Mendonza : As a sangh parivar (hindutva) apologist/sympathiser, Santosh's response was on expected lines. jc: Paranoia was not known to be Prevalent in Poona ... when I lived there. [B] Marlon Menezes wrote: I would agree with

Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP -the greening of Goa

2012-02-18 Thread J. Colaco jc
 [1]  Pandu Lampiao had written:  One remembers quotes from the clever Dr. Jack Straw, a former UK minister who famously REFUSED to TREAT patients with their head covered [2] Upon prompting, he corrected his tail (tale) but only partially by stating: True, I stand corrected. 


2012-02-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Aires Rodrigues wrote: The booklet being widely circulated across Goa was bound to give Mr. Pratapsingh Rane, a contesting candidate undue wide publicity while the model code of conduct is in force. Reminds me of the 'obviously not-undue' publicity Off-Target Goa gave to Aires Rodrigues when he

Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP -the greening of Goa

2012-02-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
Pandu Lampiao wrote: One remembers quotes from the clever Dr. Jack Straw, a former UK minister who famously refused to treat patients with their head covered KHOMMENT: 1: I was about to ask IF there is a difference between a woman who covered her head and a Goanet poster who

Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP

2012-02-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
Eugene Correia wrote: 1: I doubt Mathany subscribed to the BJP ideology but has embraced the party as a POLITICAL NECESSITY 2: The Christians who are FIGHTING on the BJP tickets cannot be termed pointblank as saffronites. . COMMENT: Is Eugene Correia stating then that

Re: [Goanet] British MP's political outing in Goa draws flak

2012-02-15 Thread J. Colaco jc
U. G. Barad asked: I WANDER, what one has do if Keith is legally, morally and ethically wrong? Answer: Stop WANDERING. jc --- Protect Goa's natural beauty

Re: [Goanet] Matanhy and BJP

2012-02-15 Thread J. Colaco jc
1: Geraldo Oliviera: Matanhy has joined the BJP on the advice of his supporters in Cortalim constituency 2: Floriano Lobo: No born leader follows the followers. On the Contrary, the followers must follow the LEADER. JC Response: [A] I sincerely hope Matanhy or his lackey will clarify

Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP

2012-02-14 Thread J. Colaco jc
Carmen Miranda wrote: 1: I am puzzled as to why is it that Mathany with his credentials, activism, experience, know how and popularity in Curtorim could not stand as an ethical independent ? 2: What is it that a national party can do in this particular case, that this

Re: [Goanet] Matanhy and BJP

2012-02-13 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 13 February 2012 15:03, Geraldo Oliveira wrote [1] one can easily conclude that a Parrikar government with Matanhy in its ranks will be far better than any Congress combination to govern Goa for the next 5 years [2] They (the secularists) will rather hype on the 10 years

Re: [Goanet] families raj: an affront to Goans

2012-02-12 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 12 February 2012 05:56, Eugene Correia wrote: [1] I bet my bottom dollar that if Aires was an MLA he would also be doing the same thing, demanded tickets for friends and ..those who are still in good books with him [2] From my own personal dealings with him in

[Goanet] Voting Vonly for Shri Valentine of Valentine's Day

2012-02-12 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dears, There is a lot of gudbud and gupshup going on about religious freedom and democracy. That politics is about Power, Poixe and now ? Porn is accepted (by me) Anyhow, If I was able to vote in the Goa elections, and mercifully, I am not - I'd certainly consider not voting for the

[Goanet] 49-O

2012-02-11 Thread J. Colaco jc
Carmen Miranda wrote: 1: it is high time the Goan electorate uses the NO VOTE option which I think also counts. Eugene Correia wrote: 2: (A null vote) is just a protest vote. (It) is akin to not voting at all. 3:  Even if the null votes are more than the number of votes the elected candidates

Re: [Goanet] Singapore 1942 - End of Empire

2012-02-10 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 10 February 2012 05:53, Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote: At that time, my personal belief was that the Brits gave independence to India not because of Gandhi or Nehru, but because they could no longer trust the loyalty of the British Indian Army. The following program (part 1), which I just

Re: [Goanet] Singapore 1942 - End of Empire

2012-02-10 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 10 February 2012 08:35, Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote While that (Labour govt INC) may be true, the seed was planted by the Japanese  co-prosperity sphere ideas, Goans in Malaya were held in high regard by the Japanese due to their Portuguese connection.  the Indian

Re: [Goanet] Sex scandals and Porn

2012-02-09 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Sandeep Heble wrote: [1] Not that I condone such acts but watching porn seems a minor issue when you compare it to the number of sex scandals that the Congress politicians have been involved in. [2] And lest we forget, Goa has had its fair share of scandals as well - the

Re: [Goanet] Outrageous Congress Family Politics

2012-02-09 Thread J. Colaco jc
Carmen Miranda wrote: May I now attempt to interpret what Arwin Mesquita  and J Colaco wrote from a different point of view ? And I don't live in a desert, I live in freezing Londonand wish I was in the desert right now! COMMENT: Electorally or otherwise, the

Re: [Goanet] Goa's second Liberation must begin!

2012-02-09 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 8 February 2012 20:06, Francis Rodrigues wrote: Curious question - Was it a Hindu snake or a Christian snake? Would it by any chance also be named Jose? (a fairly common surname in Kerala) COMMENT: Mogal Francis, It is such a pleasure to read from you - once again.

Re: [Goanet] Winability, the name of the game

2012-02-09 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Patrice Riemens wrote wrt Eugene's Winability.etc: Rats! I thought this was about wine! ;-) Cheers all the same RESPONSE: No! my dear Patrice, It was actually a Whine about the Rats. As Konfewshius once said: The Mats may come and Mats may go The Rats will always

[Goanet] (correction) Outrageous Congress Family Politics

2012-02-08 Thread J. Colaco jc
Arwin Mesquita wrote: [1] By giving 2 and more seats to one family, The Congress Party has proved that they actually have no principles [2] Hindus Catholics Muslims let us shed our differences/divisions brought about the Anti Goan Politicians/Families [3] One thing is

Re: [Goanet] Black and white photos of the eighties.

2012-02-08 Thread J. Colaco jc
, Roland Francis asked: Hey Tony if that was you with the waterfall mustache in the front row, why are you looking so glum in the midst of those bright-eyed and bushy tailed birds? RESPONSE: I have an idea Chupa Rustam (;-) jc

Re: [Goanet] Outrageous Congress Family Politics

2012-02-07 Thread J. Colaco jc
Arwin Mesquita wrote: [1] By giving 2 and more seats to one family, The Congress Party has proved that they actually have no principles [2] Hindus Catholics Muslims let us shed our differences/divisions brought about the Anti Goan Politicians/Families [3] One thing is

Re: [Goanet] Days' summary (02/07/2012)

2012-02-07 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 7 February 2012 06:42, Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: To Goanet - [a] I went to Mopa early this morning. .  Mopa's pristine landscape is like a walk back in time when much of Goa was blessed until India happened to us. (b) the Navy should be asked to move out of Dabolim

Re: [Goanet] Goa's second Liberation must begin!

2012-02-07 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 7 February 2012 09:48, Marshall Mendonza wrote: [1] Sandeep makes a fair point. [2] But whom does he recommend as the alternate? [3] A few days back he posted a news item about the BJP organising a sports event. [4] Is this a pointer to his new loyalties and

Re: [Goanet] Life in mid-20th century Tanganyika (Oral history project)

2012-02-05 Thread J. Colaco jc
try this On 5 February 2012 03:35, Carvalho wrote: Hey Mervyn, thanks for letting me know. A few people in England have had a similar problem (including myself when I try to access it on my ipad.) Will get on

Re: [Goanet] Posts delayed

2012-02-05 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dears .On this semi-free Sunday, even though I do not have a dog or cat in this fight, I thought that I'd provide you with my thoughts (gratis) (Caps are added by me for emphasis) [A] Rajan Parrikar wrote: 1: The local Admin . IMAGINED that he could embarrass me into leaving (like he

Re: [Goanet] Posts delayed

2012-02-05 Thread J. Colaco jc
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: Note that I did not - deliberately - call him communal. That word flies fast and loose on this group, and is used far too indiscriminately. FN has cleverly used the fact that I and some others (who have a sharp divergence with him on political and

[Goanet] Apples and Oranges debate of Limitacao!

2012-02-04 Thread J. Colaco jc
Gerald Fernandes wrote: [A]I admire the ability of my good friend JC to so adroitly shift attention from LIMITATION to OBITER /RATIO [B]  However OBITER of the Supreme Court of India on a specific subject would bind, in the hierarchy of Courts in India, Dears, I agree with my good friend

Re: [Goanet] Limitation (GF): Doctrines of Quiet Repose

2012-02-02 Thread J. Colaco jc

Re: [Goanet] Gomes showed signs of mental illness

2012-02-02 Thread J. Colaco jc
1 February 2012 18:43, Frederick Noronha wrote: To say that the victim had showed signs of mental illness seems to absolve the US authorities of resonsibility in this bizarre case! QUESTION: How does it absolve anybody of any responsibility ESP as she was refusing food? Did

Re: [Goanet] Banana Republic Congress Jamboree

2012-02-02 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 2 February 2012 12:06, Carvalho wrote: I hope to God, BJP comes into power. Five years of yatras, morchas, hurt sentiments at the drop of a hat, attacks on Bishops Palace, calling for change of road names, smashing of anything that looks Portuguese or Christian,

Re: [Goanet] Gomes showed signs of mental illness

2012-02-02 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 2 February 2012 16:56, Eddie Fernandes fwded: Excerpts: Rodney Fernandes ...Was it because of her ethnic or immigration status or her mental status? he asked . RESPONSE: IMHO, Her treatment by the 'authorities' could NOT have been a result of ANYof the above.

Re: [Goanet] Goan journalists, land scams, and GBA

2012-02-01 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 1 February 2012 00:06, Rajan P. Parrikar wrote/asked: [A] How come we didn't see any of these investigations into land scams in the Goan media? [B] These scandals are right underneath the noses of Goa's patracars, yet we haven't seen a word written. [C] Have these fellows

Re: [Goanet] Questions on Goa's corrupt media

2012-02-01 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 1 February 2012 03:13, Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: Admin Frederick Noronha was among the first to question my motives and cast aspersions in his usual old maid WINK-WINK-nudge-nudge style. Now I have some questions for Admin Noronha, and unlike him, I pose these directly and

Re: [Goanet] Limitation (GF): Doctrines of Quiet Repose

2012-02-01 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 1 February 2012 14:24, Gerald Fernandes wrote: Dear JC, Whilst I do indeed have a working knowledge ( my own perception) of the Portuguese Civil Code ( known as the Civil Code in Goa,Republic of  India, as currently subsisting) I have decided to formally enroll ( with my

Re: [Goanet] Attack on democracy

2012-01-31 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 30 January 2012 11:34, Nelson Lopes wrote: [1] The dastardly attack on the private property and residence  of Fr Bismark is an cowardly act of desperate elements. [2]  I have yet to come across the the sensitivity of either the catholic church or the order to which he

Re: [Goanet] Limitation (GF)

2012-01-31 Thread J. Colaco jc
1:Mogal Gerald Fernandes wrote the following: JC is clever. He knows that when he cannot CONVINCE, he must CONFUSE!! make feints and mislead! Lets KISS ( Keep It Simple S. No offence intended!. 2: In response to the following question from me: Is my very good friend Gerald

Re: [Goanet] Tales from the past and present

2012-01-31 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 31 January 2012 02:43, Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: RP[1] During 2006-2008, I began documenting and posting the unprecedented and widespread destruction of Goa by the real estate mafia aided and abetted by the state's politicians. Soon Admin Frederick Noronha and his cohort

Re: [Goanet] Happy Birthday to Roland Francis.

2012-01-30 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 30 January 2012 03:13, Tony de Sa wrote: Hi Roland, Happy Birthday. Wish you Health, Prosperity, Happiness and happy writing on GN. Hope you roll out the barrel and have a whopping good time today! RESPONSE: Ad Multos Annos, Roland and ALL the very best jc et al

Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-30 Thread J. Colaco jc
[1] I wrote to Nascy thus: Accepting that English is a straightforward language, I invite you to refer me to the post in which I indicated/implied that I wanted a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' as Cheap Minister [2] This is Nascy's response: a: U have clearly stated in your list, that U prefer M

Re: [Goanet] BJP to make migrant stay comfortable in Goa?

2012-01-28 Thread J. Colaco jc
SOTER wrote: [1] Rajan, This is compulsion of politics. If not Manohar someone else will do it. Gullible voters think a change of party or politician will solve their problem. Now the priest will cleanse all the sins. Wait in hope! Goan brains seem to be pickled with booze that they

Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-28 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 28 January 2012 08:07, Nascy Caldeira wrote to Ole Xac BC: Aree Baba, Please tell this to our shannah Dr Jose Colaco too. He still wants 'wolf in sheep's clothing' as Cheap Minister! That is what he clearly implied in his unwaranted response to something I said to 'r'

[Goanet] To Julian D'Cruz re: Nisser Dias' book

2012-01-28 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dear Julian, I always enjoy reading the postings of Nisser Dias. I look forward to receiving a copy of his book via my usual sources. My comment for today relates to the following from you in your review of that book: The book will serve as a testimony for future generations who will look back

Re: [Goanet] Goans of the world unite(Elisabeth) (Gerald)

2012-01-27 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 27 January 2012 15:07, Gerald Fernandes wrote: GF: [1] We find it very quaint that Elisabeth ,despite her accomplishments, finds it so convenient to hang the ills confronting Goa on the peg of politician responsibility as if Goans are original milk washed virginal saints

Re: [Goanet] An award for Eugene

2012-01-26 Thread J. Colaco jc
Eugene Correia wrote: I THOUGHT Selma HAS quit being naughty. Mogalissimo Eugene, First Valanka .Now Selma .Foo next? Kim, Poonam, Sunny or ? jc --- Protect Goa's natural beauty

Re: [Goanet] NRI Goans of the World Unite Now or be classed as Non-Goans

2012-01-25 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Carvalho wrote: (i) More and more India and by default Goa prove themselves to be Banana Republics that can change their laws depending on vote-BANK politics and their own whims and fancies. (ii) Contrary to what Eugene says that NRIs need not be apprehensive, the time

Re: [Goanet] Alexyz's award

2012-01-24 Thread J. Colaco jc
Selma Carvalho wrote: Congratulations Alexyz on your much deserved award. I second that. Alexyz, your tremendous talent, wit and art - is positively brilliant. Thank you for bringing smiles to our faces. jc ps: Thank you also to George Pinto and Goa Sudharop.

Re: [Goanet] Issues for the upcoming election. (Reposting table converted to text).

2012-01-23 Thread J. Colaco jc
Gerald Fernandes wrote: Dear JC, [A] If it is true that NATIONS DESERVE THE ARMED FORCES THEY GET then NATIONS DESERVE THE GOVT. THEY ELECT. [B] Punch a very small hole in a massive wall and let the expanding surge ,over a period of time demolish it. It is in this

[Goanet] Questions wrt Goan 'justice' - IF what is stated here is accurate

2012-01-23 Thread J. Colaco jc
JoeGoaUk reposted a letter from the Herald 23 Jan 2010. In it, were the following points: 1: The death of Ravina WAS DUE TO ‘criminal medical negligence’ as stated in the Health Committee report. 2: The wording ‘criminal’ has been used, as there is a serious MOTIVE behind

Re: [Goanet] A forgotten story of Liberation

2012-01-22 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 21 January 2012 23:39, Tony de Sa wrote: c) My beef was with Ole_Xac calling posters on Goanet peanut brained - albeit some posters. 3. Let us get this discussion back on track and debate Eugene's initial post.  Resposta: Mogal Tonybab, The best way (for you) to

Re: [Goanet] Issues for the upcoming election. (Reposting table converted to text).

2012-01-22 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Bernardo de Sousa wrote an excellent and well meant post. Nelson Lopes also wrote an excellent post from the freezing climes of NE USA. My good friend ex-Capt Gerald Fernandes has suddenly (and unfortunately) gone silent (on this list, at least). RESPONSE: I invite Bernardo

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet A forgotten story of Liberation

2012-01-21 Thread J. Colaco jc
re: Are you thereby implying/accepting that you (as an educator) allowed yourself (willingly or otherwise) to be used as a tool in the indoctrination process of young and impressionable Goan minds? Tony de Sa wrote: A) Mine was not to question why, mine was but to do or

Re: [Goanet] Bard or Beard of Avon!

2012-01-21 Thread J. Colaco jc
Venantius J Pinto wrote: The same person: Alfed (Alfred), Lord Tennyson (Bard of Avon) Comment: Alfred was a bard (poet) who also have been the Beard of Avon BUT, it is Shakespeare who is known in the UK (at least) as the Bard of Avon jc better write this than respond to the utter nonsense

Re: [Goanet] Manohar-bab's Blast on Herald - 19 Jan 2012 Pg.2 - Comments

2012-01-20 Thread J. Colaco jc
Cecil Pinto: wrote thus to Manohar Parrikar - who would make a most excellent CM of Goa and PM of India, if only he were an independent. (My responses are interspersed) CP1: Floriano (Lobo) is a 'doubting Thomas' and always skeptical regarding your ambitions, claims and promises. JC1: I'd say

Re: [Goanet] A Cry in the dark - this day, 50 years ago (Eugene Correia)

2012-01-20 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 19 January 2012 08:25, Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote: Remember the church bell tolling in Loutolim, and uncle Dr. Jocu Melo describing an event to my Mum, exclaiming 'ele nao parou, e os miltares abriram fogo'. This was sometime between Xmas and New year (1961).

Re: [Goanet] Deacons in roman catholic church

2012-01-20 Thread J. Colaco jc
Nelson Lopes wrote: 1: In U.S.A. the Roman Catholic churches are appointing Deacons They are married people. They officiate at the celebration of Eucharist and preach the sermon too They assist the Pastor in duties allotted to them. 2: There is a dust storm raised in Goa

Re: [Goanet] Political use of surveys ... Re: Goa Govt. stands exposed!

2012-01-19 Thread J. Colaco jc wrote: Welcome back to Goanet Fr Ivo. Hope you are well and had a full recovery. I second that sentiment absolutely. Best jc --- Protect Goa's natural beauty

Re: [Goanet] {Goanet] A forgotten story of Liberation

2012-01-19 Thread J. Colaco jc
Tony de Sa wrote: My dear Dotorbab, I would agree about the brain washing part - most Governments use education as a tool for furthering their own interests. But to classify posters on Goanet as 'peanut brained' is another matter altogether. RESPONSE: My dear Tonybab, It

Re: [Goanet] JC, Andamans, Jarawas...

2012-01-18 Thread J. Colaco jc
Frederick FN Noronha wrote: Kind sir, Here's the link in question (and Google is full of it): India orders crackdown on 'human safaris' in the Andaman Islands Quite a scandal, I'd say... FN RESPONSE: Caro

Re: [Goanet] JC, Andamans, Jarawas...

2012-01-18 Thread J. Colaco jc
Frederick FN Noronha wrote: Sire, We (me particularly) look forward to learning more about our planet. And we do have good teachers in the Colacos. FN Dear estudante Noronha, You are likely to learn from the good Colaco teachers ONLY if you a: Pay attention to what is being taught b: Take off

Re: [Goanet] Andamans

2012-01-18 Thread J. Colaco jc
Patrice Riemens wrote: 'Without wanting to take sides in what looks like yet another fine goa-goan tiff about who's sitting higher on the moral high ground' Dear PR, Without interfering with your impartial disposition, I thought that I'd place the following for quiet reading:

Re: [Goanet] A forgotten story of Liberation (Eugene Correia)(Ole_Xac)

2012-01-18 Thread J. Colaco jc
My dear Tonybab, It is true that the posts of Ole_Xac i.e. BC are, almost always, nonsensical and whimsical. However, (I ask) is he really wrong in classifying what you have described in your immediately preceding post as 'brainwashing'? jc

Re: [Goanet] Sarcasm and the like... British awards for Goans in East Africa Message

2012-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
Possibly related to this You tube video: Frederick FN Noronha asked: Doctor, were you talking to the plants? RESPONSE: Dearesht (only) Administrador, Patracar, Publisher, Photo-take-outer and Chaavi-Master FN, To the best of my limited knowledge,

Re: [Goanet] Mums the Kitchen

2012-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Frederick FN Noronha wrote: While giving JC the right to take all the necessary potshots at his favourite bugbears, I'd like to add the following: * Caste, being a social construct, is all in the mind. We can be part of some group, fall out of it, or imagine ourselves to be superior -- whatever

Re: [Goanet] Issues for the upcoming election

2012-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 17 January 2012 08:20, Nascy Caldeira wrote: Rajan, Your perception and deliberate confusion in your systematic pointers only shows your TRUE COLOURS! The Saffron shitty Colour! The colours of Fascim and Communalism of the lowest order compared to any in the world, I say!

Re: [Goanet] Sarcasm and the like... British awards for Goans in East Africa Message

2012-01-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
Frederick FN Noronha: Our friend Marlon does really have a subtle sense of sarcasm when he writes. Here is another example of such sarcasm from the archives of the yesteryears: Engineers are good... for some things. FN COMMENT:

Re: [Goanet] Mums the Kitchen

2012-01-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
VM wrote the following about the 'd-bate' going on between FN and Rajan: [1] 'Sharada' restaurant which I frequent - just behind Fulancho Khuris - serves a perfectly indistinguishable 'hooman' from the version I have relished since the time I grew teeth [2] But more


2012-01-15 Thread J. Colaco jc
floriano wrote: Julius Pereira is the veteran of the KONKANI AGITATION and will be the INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE of GOEMCHEA RAKHONDARANCHO AWAZ- GRA COMMENT: My dear Floriano, Trust your lovely family and you are well. The best of wishes for 2012. Perhaps, my following comment is based on my

Re: [Goanet] British decorations/awards for Goans

2012-01-14 Thread J. Colaco jc
Frederick FN Noronha wrote: Marlon Robert Mugabe was my hero -- but that was in 1983, when he indeed was an articulate spokesman for the intersts of the Third World. OBSERVATION: 1983 = One year after the onset of the massacre in Matabeleland! Bravo, Comrade, Bravo? Who are your

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