The world is a stage and we are the
performers. Oldrin Sequeira, in his maiden presentation titled ‘Amchi
Bhumika Sompta’, presents the tale of a man who is a stickler for the
truth but ends up messing his life as well as that of his family.

Sapeco, a widower with two children, Kenneth and Lizzie, is a
businessman. Kenneth hates liars and is ready to cut off all relation
with anyone who tells lies. Mitsy, the only daughter of Sapeco’s
friend, marries Kenneth and the household is extremely happy. One day
Mitsy tells Kenneth that she wants to visit her father and instead goes
to see a friend due to some emergency. When this is revealed to Kenneth
he accuses Mitsy of lying without even asking for an explanation and
cuts of all relations with her. The father intervenes and using the
support of another lie tries to bring about a reunion between the
estranged couple. 

The script has some good lines and the
presentation is quite sleek. In fact, Oldrin scores in the direction
extracting good performances from the entire cast. Tracy does a
wonderful act as Mitsy. Watch her emote, especially in those scenes
depicting pain and helplessness. Olga is Lizzie, also playing the
hearted sister well. Mini Mario is perfect as Sapeco and so is Anil
Pednekar in a subdued performance as Kenneth. Oldrin and Anthony de
Verna lend good support. 

Jane, Marcos and Pedda provide the humour. The comedy plot is based on retired 
Kuwaitkar who now runs a Bar in Goa. The
sequences of these three - Cyril Almeida and Marcus with Oldrin - are
extremely funny. 

A D Diniz has given good music for the opening
song by Olga as well as other songs by Jane, Anil, Coney-M, Marcus,
Inas and Mini Mario. Solos by Oldrin and Cyril Almeida need mention.
The play has a different story and is definitely worth watching.



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