I received the following today:

PANJIM, Jan 4: Save Goa Front Convenor Aires Rodrigues
was today restrained from attending the proceedings of
the second day of the Global Goans Convention.
Anticipating that Aires Rodrigues would raise the
issue of the Goa Regional Plan 2011, Commissioner of
NRI Eduardo Faleiro directed the Director of NRI
affairs Ulhas Kamat to summon the police and arrest
Adv. Rodrigues.

A police posse headed by Sub-Divisional Police Officer
Deu Banaulikar rushed to Cidade de Goa, the venue of
the Convention and requested Adv. Rodrigues who was a
registered delegate to leave the venue. Banaulikar
directed the organizers to refund to Adv. Rodrigues Rs
1000 paid by him as delegate fee. On receipt of the
amount Adv. Rodrigues left the venue escorted by the

Meanwhile, Aires Rodrigues has stated that Eduardo
Faleiro’s highhanded dictatorial behavior today has
shown clear signs of insanity setting on the
Commissioner of NRI affairs. Rodrigues has further
stated that any issue that affects Goa is a matter of
concern to all including the Non Resident Goans and
that Faleiro could not highjack the agenda of a
Convention being hosted at tax payer’s expense. It may
be recalled that some delegates walked out of the
convention yesterday in protest against Eduardo
Faleiro’s decision not to allow any discussion on the
Regional plan.

If the above is true, Commissioner of NRI Eduardo
Faleiro is turning out to be a commissioner more
suited for Bihar than Goa!

I am curious if anyone attending the meet is
interested in following up and reporting if the above
is true.

I am also interested in knowing if the office of the
commissioner has a list of projects that need foreign


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