Braz Menezes launched his third book in the Matata trilogy, Among the
Jacaranda, at a grand function held at Konkan Delight restaurant in
Mississauga on Sept 15.
A good gathering of relatives, friends and well-wishers listened to Menezes
explain the reason and the background to write the Matata (which in
Kiswahili means trouble) series. He said that he wanted to complete putting
reflections and experiences of how some families lived and have come to
terms with Kenya as a free nation. Along with a slide-projection he showed
photos of the Jacaranda tree with full bloom with its glorius purple-blue
color flowers.
He said provided a brief history of Africa and and the land of his family’s
origin, Goa. He said Goa has disappeared from the map after its take-over
by India in1961, but quickly added that his statement was an emotional
A QA session followed and he said in a replies to few questions he said he
wanted to write in his old age to put to paper the legacy of Goans in
Kenya, and that the “African Goan” tribe is almost vanished as most have
found new homes in places such as Canada, England and Australia.
One of the “white” person in the diverse group enquired about the current
status of Goa and though Menezes tried to put in perspective it was Zulema
de Souza, a former president of GOA,Toronto, got up to give her opinion on
the present state of affairs, saying that she saw Goa as “culturally and
politically divided” and that the government was sort of provoking the
attack on the Christian churces.
However, Goa isn’t divided as such and “communal confrontation” between the
majority Hindus and the minoirty Christians, largely Catholics, have been
few and far in-between. The communal harmony in Goa is much talked about in
India and often presented as one of the best examples how different
communities can live together in communal peace.
As for the attack on Churches, its the forces of Hindutva movement that are
behind creating communal chaos and disruption in Goa and the rest of the
country. The political arm of the Hindutva combine, the BJP, is in power in
Goa and, needlessly to say, is very protective and defensive of the RSS
whose members are mostly responsible for attack on minorities.
The event was also marked by a celebration of Norma Menezes, wife of Braz,


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