As we grow older,
We,  little by little,  feel colder.
However, we also get bolder:
For, being granted a licence to moulder,
Whilst fighting amnesia and sciatica.
We don't care about  weeping on anybody else's shoulder.
We just hope on  to soldier
Like the   Marine on the Afghan border.
He decides to get on the list of  Purple Heart winners
By becoming bolder and bolder
Fighting his  guerrilla brother
At midnight with her garb shining  psychedelic   technicolor.

The Marine's  Sister is a Greenwich Villager.
       A hippie  painter,
She sketches and colours the khaki-clad Taliban   battler
Who @ dawn places a flower
Behind  his right  ear and like a ghostly  figure
Composes poems + songs  and becomes a dancer
But @ dawn  the  Pakistani pray-er   fights like a princely  prancer.
Although he knows that the end may be near,
He has no fear
Despite   the danger
Of  becoming   cannon fodder
For  as long as he fights  like a Himalayan tiger,
 A hitter/runner,
He is, as he melts away in the ether,
An elusive creature.

              --   Martinho  de  Souza


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