>"Senior Advocate Anand Grover, who represented the arrested professor,
emphasized that there is a lack of evidence connecting Sen to the case
under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, or establishing her
purported links with the proscribed Communist Party of India (Maoist)."
By: Gyanvi Khanna
Published in:* LiveLaw.in*
Date: April 5, 2024

The Supreme Court (on April 05) granted bail to former Nagpur University
professor Shoma Sen who is booked under the Unlawful Activities Prevention
Act 1967 (UAPA) for alleged Maoist links in connection with the Bhima
Koregaon case.

She was arrested on June 6, 2018, and has been under custody since then,
awaiting trial. Today, the Bench of *Justices Aniruddha Bose and Augustine
George Masih *held that the restriction for grant of bail as per Section
43D(5) of the UAPA would not apply in the case of Sen. The Bench also noted
that Sen was a lady of advanced age with several ailments. Further, it took
into account her prolonged incarceration, the delay in the commencement of
trial and the nature of the accusations.
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Notably, the National Investigation Agency (NIA), after being asked by the
Court why her detention was necessary, told the Court on March 1
that her further custody was not required. This statement was also taken
into account by the Court.

The Court directed that Sen shall not leave the State of Maharashtra
without the permission of the Special Court and shall surrender her
passport and furnish her address and mobile number to the investigating
officer. She should also keep the location and GPS of her mobile phone
active throughout and the device should be paired with the device of the
investigating officer so that her location is known.
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The Division Bench was hearing a petition challenging a January 2023 order
the Bombay High Court, by which it directed Sen to approach the special
court trying her case, for bail.
Sixty-two-year-old Sen is the sixth out of the sixteen accused in the case
to get bail. Sudha Bharadwajgot default bail(2021)
while Anand Teltumbde
(2022), Vernon Gonsalves & Arun Ferreira
got bail on merits. Varavara Rao has been granted bail on medical grounds
 and Gautam Navlakha has been shifted
 to house arrest due to health reasons by the Supreme Court. Although the
Bombay High Court has granted bail on merits to Navlakha
and Mahesh Raut
these orders were stayed by the High Court itself and the stay orders were
extended by the Supreme Court. Another accused, Father Stan Swamy, passed
away in custody in July 2021.
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Submissions Put Forward By Sen Before The Top Court In Shoma Sen case
Senior Advocate Anand Grover, who represented the arrested professor,
emphasized that there is a lack of evidence connecting Sen to the case
under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, or establishing her
purported links with the proscribed Communist Party of India (Maoist).
In particular, the senior counsel underlined the absence of any
incriminating evidence on Sen's own electronic devices and questioned the
reliability and probative value of unsigned documents recovered from
co-accused persons.
Grover also referred to Sen's advanced age, ill health, and prolonged
incarceration to strengthen Sen's plea for bail.
During the contentions, Grover also supported his case while relying upon
the ratio in Vernon Gonsalves's judgment, which was handed out by a bench
of Justices Bose and Sudhanshu Dhulia last year. In this case, co-accused
Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira were granted bail
 by the Supreme Court after almost five years in custody. The court, other
than taking into account the length of incarceration, also held that the
seriousness of the allegations alone could not be a ground to deny bail and
justify their continued detention.
Submissions Put Forward By National Investigation Agency Before The Top
During the hearing, Additional Solicitor General KM Nataraj, representing
the National Investigation Agency (NIA), challenged the maintainability of
the embattled academician's bail application in the Supreme Court.
In this context, the NIA also supported the High Court's decision of
remanding the bail application to the special court as an additional
chargesheet was filed. The agency also argued that even if the High Court's
order is wrong then it is required to consider the entire material as an
appellate court.
Following this, in the last hearing
the agency, when asked about the necessity of Sen's continued detention,
admitted that they no longer require her custody.
Apart from this, ASG also emphatically rejected the Sen's argument that
there was no material in the supplementary chargesheets that implicated her
in the UAPA case. He submitted that there are materials that make it
evident that Sen is a part of the frontal organization of these proscribed
Maoist organizations.
*Case Details*
*Shoma Kanti Sen v. State of Maharashtra & Anr. | Special Leave Petition
(Criminal) No. 4999 of 2023*

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