First, it was the summit or conclaves. Now the media appears to have caught
on the awards thing pretty well now. Its good money. The beefed up SMS
charges, the sponsors pooling money, the publicity and hey... all for a good
cause. We however do not have a good feeling about the CNN-IBN Indian of the
year awards for two reasons.
While Anil Ambani is one of the candidates for the Indian of the Year in the
business category, ADAG (Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group) is the chief presenter
(read... look man we've put in a lot of money for this fiesta) of the
CNN-IBN Indian of the year awards. Anil Ambani owns ADAG.
More, BIG FM (also owned by ADAG) and Reliance World are media and broadband
'partners' for these awards. Whether Anil wins the award or not, the CNN-IBN
has queered the ethical pitch by seeking advertising bucks from one of the
Another example if choosing Kingfisher airlines as the airline 'partner',
when it's owner Vijay Mallya is nominated candidate in the money-bags
category. Whether these particular sponsorships can guarantee a victory or
not, a question could surely be raised whether sponsorship for the awards
has resulted in the candidates being nominated for the particular categories
in the first place.
Not very classy Rajdeep ji. You have chosen to behave like our own Rajan
Narayan out here. Cheap... very cheap... But a trend is a trend and we
cannot but help emulate the 'great' newsman Rajdeep. Hence, we have also
decided to latch on to the awards bandwagon... On January 31, Penpricks will
announce the 'GOAN PRICK OF THE YEAR' award... We will give the details of
the categories and the prizes in a post tomorrow. Suggestions from you guys
are welcome... The more the better.... Keep writing in.
(for more pls read...

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