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A Deceptive Regional Plan

A frantic phone call of a citizen from South Goa inquiring whether the 
Extraordinary Gram Sabha meeting convened by his Village Panchayat on a working 
day ( 12th January 2009) for final approval of the Regional Plan 2021 was 
within the law or not, had me speechless for a few seconds. Just the minimum 
specified four days notice was given to the public for such an important 
meeting. How do  I respond to an anxious man who, one could gauge from his 
tone, feared the worst for his future well being and felt helpless in coping 
with this State sponsored harakiri? 
Personally speaking, I am convinced that there is absolute lawlessness 
prevailing in Goa's Panchayati Raj institutions. Even if the illegality 
committed is so blatantly clear, the Sarpanch, Village Panchayat Secretary or 
any other perpetrator of the illegality who enjoys political patronage will 
continue to enjoy total immunity from the law. It is this clout enjoyed by the 
politician-bureaucrat nexus that is at the root of corruption in the Village 
Panchayats making the institutions growingly unpopular with every passing day. 
With a Panchayat minister who seems to operate like an extra-constitutional 
authority, the prospects of a people-centric local governance in Goa's villages 
seems bleak at least for the time being. Another disaster is that the 
interpretation of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act has been entrusted to  bureaucrats 
who seem to have taken liberty in dispensing justice based more on their 
personal views or dictates of their political masters. Inspite of the State gove
 rnment having a full-fledged law department which is the competent authority 
to give legal opinion on the laws, some government officers continue to 
interpret the laws as and how they desire with total unaccountability and 
impunity. More than often the public experience is that the interpretation of 
law and dispensation of justice is based on the person that finds favour of the 
political system. To this fact even the Joint Secretary in the Union 
Government's Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Mr T. Raghunandan during his recent 
visit to Goa had remarked that, "the player cannot also be the referee in the 
same game". He had suggested that an Ombudsman be appointed to settle disputes 
while some other advocacy groups suggest the setting up of an independent 
Commission under a retired High Court judge to settle disputes arising in 
Panchayat institutions. But in the meantime, unfair and unjust practices 
continue to be perpetrated on the common man by the Goa government in the name 
of de
The only option left for a victimised citizen is to knock the doors of the 
higher courts which is both time consuming as well as, very often, beyond the 
financial means of an average employed person.  The government  officials on 
the other hand utilise the tax payers (citizen's) money and fully paid working 
hours to endlessly defend their positions in courts, while the common man has 
to forgo his daily wages and foot the exorbitant legal expert's fees to  
defend, more than often, what is called 'public interest'. If the court's 
verdict is in favour of the citizen, the bureaucrat and the ministers loose 
nothing but the common man definitely lands up being economically poorer except 
with a satisfaction that he/she has fulfilled his/.her fundamental duty 
enshrined in article 51A of the Constitution of India. It is exactly this 
tilted democratic system that prompts the Panchayat minister to use the cover 
and protection of his ministerial status to persistently ridicule the Gram S
 abhas that are demanding justice against illegalities and destructive projects 
in their villages, and challenge them to approach the courts if they feel that 
injustice is being done to them. For a rational man this would raise the 
natural question, "If citizens are expected to approach the courts to secure 
justice in every administrative issue then why do we need the government, its 
12 ministers,  40 MLAs and around 45,000 work force?" The konkani adage, 
"Fuluchea khustar foznne" or "Fest korta gaum ani Pirjentichem nanv" could well 
apply to the Panchayat minister and the bunch of accomplices in government.
Coming to the question of the anxious citizen, I informed him that the law is 
silent as regards the day of the week for convening of the extraordinary 
meeting. However, I advised, drawing an inference from the law specifying that 
the 'Ordinary Meeting' be held on any Sunday of the stipulated months, it would 
only be reasonable and just that such an important meeting of a village 
council, that involves the finalisation of the suggestions and comments for the 
draft RP 2021, be held on a Sunday to ensure greater public participation in 
the decision making process. But from the looks of events it appears that the 
entire propaganda of people's participation in the RP 2021 is nothing but a 
fraud designed by professionals, politicians and others with vested interests 
in real estate and construction. Even before the NGO represented on the Task 
Force for RP 2021 has released its booklet on reading the RP (better late than 
never), even before the Village Committees have been constitute
 d in some panchayats,  and even before the Technical Teams have furnished all 
the basic documents required by the people to make informed choices and 
decisions, it is surprising that some Village Panchayats have already started 
winding up their operations on the RP 2021. Is this just a coincidence or is it 
a deliberate act by vested interests to speed up the process seeing the growing 
anomalies in the draft GRP 2021 being unearthed by every village? Why the hurry 
and who is it that is so nervous as to speed up the process?
With the Pilerne villagers dragging their problem to the Panchayat authorities 
over injustice in the election of the village planning committee and with 
several other Gram Sabhas battling it out to ensure a just hearing is given to 
them on the RP 2021, it is but evident that the entire process of referring it 
to the Village Panchayats, besides having no legal standing is a mega hoax 
being sold to unsuspecting citizens as participatory planning under the 73rd 
and 74th Constitutional Amendment.. When these gross discrepancies are pointed 
out, some members who were represented on the Task Force turn back to claim 
that the present draft RP 2021 is far better than the RP2011. This definitely 
is no excuse that people ignore the gross misrepresentation of facts be ignored 
in a document that is going to shape the path to life and death of the Goan 
people, not only for the next 10 years but for the entire 21st century if not 
more by its impact. Being a legal document there can be no s
 cope for errors to be ignored in the RP 2021.
The people who oppose certain development projects or the RP process are not an 
unemployed or idle crowd of Goans that gets a kick from such activitties. They 
are often citizens who live from hand to mouth or suffer great financial and 
social losses just to fulfill their social and political responsibilities as 
citizens. This present process of merely sending some maps to the Village 
Panchayats for suggestions and objections and claiming it to be grass-root 
participatory planning in accordance with the 73rd and 74th Constitutional 
Amendment is nothing but a mockery of the people by the Goa government.
- Soter D'Souza

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