Frederick Noronha's article in Herald Mirror (27th Dec. 2009) titled 'Goa's 
growing urban chaos: Any solutions?' has presented the highlights from the 
study conducted in some major cities of Goa by the Centre for Environmental 
Planning and Technology (CEPT) University, Ahmedabad. There is nothing very 
great about the study as most of the suggestions is what ordinary Goans living 
in the village have been screaming about for over a decade now. The issue of 
mega projects and national highways, industrial estates is exactly that. Except 
that this study done by so called professionals gets marketed as credible. That 
is the irony of the modern economy with its appendage of knowledge economy. One 
aspect that I was keenly on the look out for in this article was about 
in-migration. But the article seems to have cleverly avoided this contentious 
issue and made only a passing mention of in-migration and out-migration as an 
issue. i suppose this study must have dealt extensively with thi
 s issue of migration but it will be kept under wraps and conveniently 
dismissed as just one perception. Goa's urban chaos can only be controlled by 
increasing in-migration?


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