Faith in Judiciary
Political parties pay lip service to judicial system when it suits them The
BJP Govt has created appointment of S.C Judges The reasons have been
ominous to say the least . A committed judiciary is expected to deliver
ruling party agenda Transfer of judges has been another exercise to
intimidate them .Impeachment is like Damocles sword hanging overhead.
Posting of Judges as ambassadors, Governors and engaging them to head
commissions and appointing them as arbitrators at various levels is sending
feelers of beneficial treatment post retirement a bait to lure. Suppressing
of Judges to the exalted office of S.C is a weapon of injustice, bias and
discrimination , thus sending an oblique message
Ram birth place for a temple is hanging fire for ages. The BJP when out of
power makes loudest appeal to Hindus about determination and commitment Now
in Majority and 4 years in saddle the issue has not moved an inch furthe
except promises galore. Trying to capitalize on the issue on the  eve of
coming general elections is pulling wool over the  eyes of Ram Bakhts. It
took just minutes to raise down the Mosque and with Congress P.M,  P.V..
Narashima Rao, who was in prayers at that moment with a message not to be
disturbed The police  posted at a distance  were mere spectators in waiting
The land is already acquired, so what  can the impending , intended
Ordinance do? Only give aerial advantage of some belated actions for
consumption of devout Hindus and mollify them temporarily by antagonizing
minority community, which makes no sense in election year Then again it
will have to be ratified by the Parliament a tall order indeed..Besides one
third of land is with Waft  Board and the appeal is pending in S.C. There
is no possibility of amicable  or out of court settlement, a far cry as a
solution. The involvement, mediation of SRI Sri has come to naught too.
Will the BJP abide by the decision of S.C as the arbiter of just cause? The
BSP and SSP swear by such statement, though Congress is sitting on the
fence quoting principle of subjudice
Just how much faith is reposed by parties in S.C can be gauged by Sabrimala
order, even though an appeal is pending. The pending decision of S.C in Ram
birthplace is not considered interference in religious matters. Once again
force, intimidation , threats, mass uprising, violence will be the order of
the day if decision goes against the Ram temple issue .When S,C decisions
goes against expected outcomes the response is physical on the streets It
is the duty, responsibility of Central Govt and not state alone to
intervene and preserve order,but unfortunately BJP in Kerela is agitating
against the order of S.C
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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