weekly humor

[If you joined us late -
Langoti "Long" John Silva is a globe-trotting Goencar,
always accompanied by his foul-mouthed parrot Cocky]


"Whoo...eeeoo!" came the soul-stirring howl, gaining in intensity,
"I'm homesick, dude, I wanna go home, ooh..I wanna go home!"

It's that time of year. Summer. A bird's homing instincts whine.

"Cocky," I said, "You need a passport! Goa has new regulations!"

"I knooo!" she cried, "I've been emailing Goa Ministers for help!"

"Nah!" I said "They need your biometrics and fingerprints here!"

"No bio, not done matric!" she smiled, "my only prince is you!"

"Quiet!" I snapped, "First, let's get you a license at City Hall!"

The municipal office on Duane Street in Astoria was bedlam.

I got a ticket and soon faced a pasty, beady-eyed counter-clerk.

"Move it!" she barked, "Whaddya want, info, license, divorce??"

"No need to get snarky!" I said. "I need a license for Cockayne!"

"Oh yeah!" she spat, "And surely one for heroin and ganja too?"

"You don't understand," I tried, "Cockayne is this bird's name!"

"Yeah right!" she snarled back, "Seriously whaddya think I am?"

"Cheep!" chirped Cocky cutely, "Cheep, cheep!" The clerk glared.

"A wit, I see!" she spat, "Or maybe...a twit!", guffawing loudly.

A bandana-clad supervisor came up. Real redneck if I saw one.

"What's going on honey?" he growled, "These folks a nuisance?"

"Nah, they want a license for dat bird - say she's goin to Go..aah!"

"Go...aah? She gonna die? Hah! Any case, we don't do birds, only
domestic - dogs and cats, and agricultural! And a cow, you ain't!"

"Incredi'bull!" spat Cocky "Sheesh..dogs and cats..purr'fect! Need
a coffee-break from this crap!" And she flew up to a straw-ledge.

"Coffee-break??" gasped Bandana, "What kinda coffee up there??"

"Nest'cafe!" screeched Cocky, and almost fell down laughing.

The popat always knows.

"Can't make exceptions!" spat Bandana, "unless she's under-age!"

"Yah, I'm a...mynah!!" cried Cocky, "I'll go on his passport, haha!"

Almost foaming at the mouth, Bandana pulled out a license-form.
As he barked the questions, Cocky replied sweetly. Just hysterical.

"Name!!" he snarled, "Last name, first and middle!"

"Popat, Cockayne Oliveira," she smiled softly, "Cocky to you!"

"Very!!" he growled,  "Mother-tongue?? Languages spoken??"

"Pidgeon English!!" she giggled, "And Cockney....Goan Kok'nni!!"

"Occupation??" he fumed, as she warbled Polly-Woodle-Doodle.

"Polly'tics!" she gurgled, "I"m going to visit Goan polly'ticians!"

"Whaaat??? Are they related to you??" he almost exploded.

"Birds of prey!" she burst "Pray on Sundays, prey on weekdays!"

"I meant real profession!!" he snapped, "Or d'ya just lay eggs??"

"Egg-sackly!" she guffawed,"Want an egg-sample, hardy haha?!"

"I give up!" he cried, "What about hobbies? Any special pursuits?"

"I'm very talon'ted!" she said "I go parrot-gliding, parrot-chuting!"

The office was in chaos. Clerks were rolling in the aisles, tears of
merriment pouring from their eyes. Both security guards held on
to each other, red-faced with laughter. All queues had dissolved.

As Bandana moved uneasily away, Cocky followed him overhead.

"What's your problem?" he said sarcastically, "Having a baby??"

"No," she smiled most demurely, "But its fun.....stork'ing you!"

"Aaargh!" he snapped to me, "I'll let you know in seven days!"

"Ah, that's just a......week excuse!" giggled Cocky hysterically.

"I can't just issue a license to any anonymous bird-brain, much
less this excuse of a mockingbird!" cried Bandana. "One has to
have antecedents, be known in society, friends, community, or
on the net - even some form of social networking like Facebook!"

"Course I'm in one!" cried Cocky "Mine's the world's top network!"

"Yeah right!" blasted Bandana, "And what might that be??"

"Twitter!" screamed Cocky in glee, to general pandemonium.

The popat always knows.

The above column first appeared in the 17 March, 2010 edition of The
Herald Daily, Goa, followed by other print and online publications.

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