Sadar pranam Anamika,
These discussions are hardly intellectual. They appear as such because
many are happen to be well written. Sohave no fear. On occassion
comments get sarcastic -- in which case ignore those you may find
insulting. Hopefully this will not happen. There are a few who
gravitate to attacking those they perceive as the weakest. Again,
forget those ankle biters, and if need be kick them with the
paimzon/am. Nothing can be more Indian. But you will be safe, if you
wish to get some answers, I assure you. I avoid politics, since I do
not live your reality on the ground in Goa and have said so in the
past. However, Floriano's post is full of clarity in this regard third
para down. In the second paragraph, he animates the extent of support
politicians receive from people like you who will weather the elements
in the hope of bettering ones lives. Floriano takes care of all your
concerns in the most brilliant response I have read on a Goan
political mind and procedural technique.

Yes people make mistakes, that is the way we are conditioned to see
and accept their colossal errors -- as mistakes, and are immediately
expected to move towards offering absolution. Zalem tem zalem, attan
phudem povea. After Bill Clinton, everyone realized that timely
"apologies" help save their hides (chamdi vachoitat) as well get a
graft of new skin.

You now have a name. One who stepped into Goanet. You are no longer
one without a name, as in Anamika (A_nam_ika). It is a superb, and
very memorable name. But Manohar (Man_o_har), who fascinates all still
has the ability to steal the heart, and expects mot (votes) without
giving back. Hopefully there are ways he can earn them and make people
proud. And I truly hope he will, and if he does wins to stay faithful
and fair to all. This is one way that people themselves will see a
change of heart; otherwise it is business as usual. Imagine if someone
like Neson Mandela did not have the graciousness of being, and heart,
in fact, the political will and intelligence despite what many in his
group felt, about letting people go off the hook for atrocities they
caused. As in he Consumer forum, Goa needs the equivalent of a
Political or Good governance forum, once or twice a month, where
politicians are held accountable. Its not such a radical concept.

I hope that people after seeing setbacks to their lives begin to think
differently. I also hope Manohar will grow in wisdom. And bid his
time. He has the skill set, but that is not all. He should bare
himself to the state, hold forums on how he plans to rectify issues
from scripts, to roads, to road deaths, to scholarship, to
entrepreneurship, to beautifying villages, to making tourism benefit
as well as help people maintain their cherished lives. And keep
answering every queston put to him. If he wishes so much to be elected
to bring further change -- can he stand that. Modernity does not have
to mean selling everything including the sons and daughters of the
soil, so to speak. Seriously this is not difficult. Pun Konknni
somestank ani stithek -- apulki nam zalear ami jhem mhunta tem sogglem
umtea kouxear udik. Khori apulki and fontojicar apuki (adhbut o
Kolponneachi apulki) don vegle gunn. Punn ami Goeankarani (soglea num)
Mandovintlem uddok henchear mattear makoilam (tannlam). Je christao
assa tenchea ucchar Christache nhuim: te soggleam un Bhakkasurantlea
Bhakkasur; kiteak teni lokank fottoupachi vait buzzvont monant ghott


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