India is a diverse country with different cultures, traditions, religions,
tribes, social customs, philosophies & beliefs. It is hence perfectly
natural that in such a vast Country each one will have different
ideological beliefs and will think differently. Humans are not robots who
are programmed to think only in one particular way or the other. Is it then
right to brand someone as an anti-national or seditious simply because he
represents a different set of philosophy that does not confirm with yours?

This is where I think the Government has got it wrong. Filing serious
charges of sedition against JNU University students and jailing them is
going overboard.

Now Umar Khalid has been rustigated when Courts have found no evidence
against him. Some sections of the media have already branded him as an
anti-national & part of the "Tukde-tukde" gang out to destabilize India. Is
this responsible reporting?

Umar Khalid seems to be quite articulate and intelligent and is an
excellent Orator. In his speeches he is quite convincing & makes good
arguments. One may not agree with his political ideology but it is wrong to
brand him as an anti-national because of that.

There is no instrument to measure patriotism and those who we label as
anti-nationals might just turn out to be more patriotic than you and me. A
Government which criticises the Emergency must work that extra hard to
protect our civil rights and freedoms.

Debates and discussions need to be encouraged in a progressive thinking
Country. Have different opinions, challenge ideas, have broader
perspectives and whatever but don't hound the person.

Sandeep Heble

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