To Goanet -

The crass, unthinking remark attributed to Manohar Parrikar where he likened 
the ordeal of a rape victim to the tribulations faced by an entrepreneur has 
howls of indignation.  Turns out that he did not say what the press report
has claimed.  Now, Manohar-bab hasn't exactly shown himself to be sharp in 
his choice of words or metaphors.  At times it has revealed something deeper 
about the man.  Such as when a few weeks ago he referred to a bribe as an 
“investment.”  This misreporting is a distraction for it draws attention away 
from more important issues.

The Goa Industrial Policy approved last week is a pile of garbage that is being 
sold to Goans disguised as “policy.” If you think it will do what it says it 
Manohar also has a bridge to sell you. O wait! This doodie was laid by people 
who have ‘botate’ for brains and reads like the babble of 10 year olds. But its 
consequences will be far less funny. The immediate effect will be to flood Goa 
with even more outsiders and enable extravagantly criminal destruction of 
Goan resources of which the proposed Mopa airport is but one instance.

It is surprising that nobody in the Goan media has been investigating this 
piece of garbage. If I, sitting here in California, can know things how come 
local patracars can't? For instance, has anyone asked why “Light Engineering” 
is part of this ‘policy’ and for whose benefit it has been inserted?

If you think that Goa has today become an unpleasant, crowded, squalid 
jumble of migrants, slums and concrete, wait until Manohar Parrikar is done 
with it. He now wants an IIT in Goa. Why? How would flooding the state 
with more outsiders and handing over precious Goan land serve the interests 
of Goa and Goans? If there had been an integrated vision 40 years ago to 
parlay Goa into a centre of academic and research excellence with things 
planned towards that end, we would have been in a very different place 
today. But that ship sailed long ago! Today, what would having another 
techie degree factory get us Goans? Look at what we would have to give 
up - large tracts of precious Goan land for outsiders to come park themselves 
in an already overflowing Goa.

For 2 years we have witnessed this haphazard, schizophrenic flailing by 
Manohar and his ragtag crew. Goa cannot be all things to all people. Instead 
of severely narrowing the areas of focus, tending to critical infrastructure 
and Goa-centric policies, Manohar’s latest ‘policy’ is a free-for-all, 
to benefit cronies, builders, and assorted land grabbers masquerading as 

He is dismantling the final threads that separate Goa from fully submerging 
into the Indian swamp. Meanwhile, Goa goes to the dogs. Literally. You have 
dogs strolling in the corridors of the hospital in Bambolim while Manoharwa 
has wet dreams of A380s landing at Mopa International Slumdog Hawaiadda. 
(God, what an ugly word Hindi has for airport.)

The evidence is now in. Manohar Parrikar has failed Goa. He wants to hand 
over pieces of Goa to the Centre and to his builder cronies. The Mandovi 
river was long surrendered to the casino/real estate king. Instead of telling 
India to keep its distance, he is piloting us right into the swamp. You don't 
need Mopa for this craft to land. The Chief Minister has his glide slope 
squarely at the Indian sewer.

Manohar-bab, thank you for nothing.

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