Manohar Parrikar and the BJP -- A Good expose Floriano

I fully agree to Anamika's post (if a lady by that name actually exists or is 
not another spin doctor of Porrikar). Porikar is a good administrator and if he 
personally came around at 2 am to supervise the works at IFFI...i would say 
that speaks volumes of his commitments, but on the other hand i wonder if he 
was interested in the project or the bounty he is alleged to have made post it.

I knew Porikar since early 90s when he was a fire brand leader of opposition, 
and came as a change to the Goans as the then leader of opposition Ramakhant 
Khalap was totally bought over by Rano and the Congress and acted as a pro 
congress man whilst still in the MGP, and worse while still holding the offices 
and enjoying the priveledges of the offices of the leader of opposition.

Parrikar, came as a whiff of fresh air...but as the years rolled by we realised 
and saw the true colours of a desperate RSS chaddiwallah, who tried to 
successfully camoufledge the people into believing that his colours were 
anything but safforn.

But along with the first traces of success the added colours melted and exposed 
more and more of the safforn original. The true colours of the Parrikar were 
observed when he stumped the MGP and almost destroyed the regional outfit, next 
he took Dotor Willy -- the ever so desperate kodel seeker for a huge ride, then 
Sardinha, then the Mandarin hotel case, the Governor's arcade destruction, the 
Bishop's palace, the harrasment of the minorities using the police force, etc 
etc etc....the list is endless and did not stop at forging the signature of the 

All through he had good assistance from the likes of Digamber kamat and his 
other BJP associates.

But it was not the BJP that made the frankestein called was the 
Congress and in particular the former chief minister Pratapsingh Rane. 

The latest preys of Parrikar is none other than the south Goa BJP candidate for 
the parlimentary election -- Dr Wilfred Meaquita!

Yesterday, the BJP has publicly announced at Margao's Lohia Maidan that if the 
Congress withdraws the SEZs, they will withdraw Dr Wilfred Mesquita as its 
candidate? This shows how serious the BJP is about the forthcoming elections 
and also how much of a puppet has Dr Wilfred Mesquita been already reduced even 
before the battle has begun, what he will be later on is anybody's guess.

Parrikar and the BJP has taken Goan politics to the ground 
levels...Parrikar at one time denounced the likes of  churchill and babush only 
to get into an alliance with them post elections.

All the fake colours of secularism that parrikar painted himself with initially 
are now washed away by the power of his many sins...

So in the present scnario when the Goan masses have woken up to the fact that 
the Congress is evil, the bigger evil lurking around is people like 
Porrikar...and trust me -- corruption at a level is tolerable but not the 
menace of communial politics.

See what Narendra Modi has done to Gujarat...I feel Porrikar was responsible 
for the Curchorem riots and the congress under Rane let him off the hook easily.

And this is the Porrikar and BJP we are trying to give a second chance?


Cedric da Costa

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