We ran a post sometime back telling our readers, how the Goa Editor's Guild
which met on July 11, 2008 at the Goa Marriott Resort, contemplated the
extermination of our blog www.penpricks.blogspot.com
Here's a scanned hard copy of the invite dispatched to the rest of the
editors in Goa by the Guild's chairman Arun Sinha.
The point we are concerned about, is the second one on the agenda, where
Arun Sinha wants the editors in the guild to "'discuss' the 'tirade' against
guild members by blog spot Pen Pricks". Sinha wanted to fire at us, using
the collective bulk of the guild-member's shoulders to steady his rifle.
Read the last para. Sinha wanted have a 'collective decision on the
above-mentioned issues'
Don't ask us how we got hold of the copy. We aren't gonna tell, but one
thing's pretty clear guys. Over the last year and half, Penpricks does
appear to have rattled these editor buggers a bit.
Our criticism of the media in Goa and the dysfunctional editorial leadership
has begin hurting these guys. And we are not apologetic about it.

for more on this please log on to

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