The Chief Minister
Government of Goa.

Mr. Chief MInister,
I am one amongst the thousands of Goan voices from the villages that are 
concerned about your claims through recent advertisements about having put in 
place a transparent and participatory process for the Regional Plan 2021. 
Though the villages of Goa at the time of liberation in 1962 were self-reliant 
and self-sustainable due to the centuries old gaunkari system of governance, we 
Goans are being painfully administered with doses of untruths by successive 
governments proclaiming the great social and economic developmental strides 
when the realities are totally different. I will save you time and agony by not 
spelling out the untruths and contradictions as the newspapers have been 
exposing them everyday. Discarding the traditional knowledge and practices of 
natural resource management your government opts for ceremoniously flying in 
wise men from the British colonial regime that have not yet understood that 
salt extraction and pisciculture can be carried out in khazan lands which are 
categorised as eco I. Your government through advertisements, all at our (the 
tax payer's) expense, seems to be presenting us a scorpion and insisting that 
we it is a fish. 
Your government little over a year ago set up a Task Force to study the 
Regional planning process, and hardly 3 months later it amends section 16 and 
16A of the Goa, Daman and Diu Town and Country Planning Act, 1975 to exempt 
government projects from the purview of the Regional Plan.  Before the Task 
Force could even present its study report on the Regional Planning process it's 
mandate was overnight modified into preparation of the draft Regional Plan 
2021. And now comes another revelation that an organisation called CREDAI was 
represented on the Task Force. Should we Goans believe that all these were 
steps to increase transparency in governance?
While the world is is opting for techonologies with fuel efficiency and reduced 
carbon emisions to combat global warming, your government persists with a 
Planning Act of 1975 model inherited from the British colonial raj and uses it 
to prepare a Regional Plan in the 21st century. The Constitution of India 
sought to restore the centuries old people friendly and cost effective 
governance process in the year 1992 through the 73rd and 74th Constitution 
Amendment but your government is hell bent on appriopriating the powers of the 
people guaranteed through article 243 ZD and 243N of the Constitution and 
vesting them in the hands of 'babus' and politicians huddled together on a Town 
and Country Planning Board that has mercilessly permitted the destruction and 
plunder of our village resources. A draft of a model Town and Country Planning 
Act which was circulated to all State governments in 1998 by the Ministry of 
Urban Affairs, Government of India has perhaps landed in the conservation zone 
of your secretariat. When such daring day light pranks of your government are 
so glaringly visible, should we Goans in the 21st century continue to believe 
that this process of formulating the RP 2021 is participatory? 
Your government now appeals to the Village Panchayats and Gram Sabhas to 
participate in this process of the RP 2021, a draft hatched by some of the very 
people that are responsible for designing the horrors of modern townships and  
the rape of Goa's hills, forests, rivers and paddy fields.  Your government has 
not bothered to motivate and train the people in participatory planning, 
besides not devolving the necessary constitutional powers to the local bodies, 
and now expects the 'aam admi' to participate in the planning process. It is 
like expecting a child to hold a pencil and start writing even before it has 
developed its motor skills. Though on paper your planning experts are moving 
around the villages the reality is that my Village Panchayat among several 
Panchayats has not even been given a complete set of maps as specified in the 
kit.  Your government has several migrant planners who do not know the local 
language while several Panchayats have demanded that training and intructions 
be imparted in the local language. The various secret policies of the Goa 
government, that supposedly will shape the future for a film on Goa's horrific 
tale at the next IFFI, have not been shared and discussed with the very people 
who are now expected to decide on the Regional Plan 2021.  Yet, does your 
government expect us to believe that all this is part of a transparent and 
participatory process?
Mr. Chief Minister, your government seems to consider politicians, miners and 
builders as the only clever breed of Goans that can understand about 
development, while the rest of the common people like us are ignorants to be 
enticed with media advertisements. Your government does not recognise the 
freedom of expression and peaceful social action which it classifies as 
disruptive activity warranting extra policing according to the draft RP 2021. 
Can 'We The People' beat the wisdom of the eminent planners in your government 
who make us believe that in a tiny and ecologically fragile land called Goa 
which is further divided into even tinier villages, only projects over 20,000 
sq. metres built up area qualify as mega projects? This list of ommissions, 
commissions and contradictions that has led to the forcible snatching of the 
Goan people's precious land and livelihoods and put it in the hands of migrant 
vote banks could go on endlessly. The only question that I wish to ask you is, 
"After all the hide and seek that your government has been playing, should we 
continue to believe that the Regional Planning process for RP 2021 initiated by 
your government is so transparent and participatory? 
from a Goan betrayed ,

Soter D'Souza

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