Vivian D'Souza, Cyrus A. Jose Sanches, Eduardo Faleiro, Gabriel de
Figeiredo and Antonio Menezes have treated us to some very logical, even if
disparate points of view re: the issue of Goans and Portuguese nationality.
(Adv. Cleofata Coutinho appears to have confused a significant segment of
his presentation entirely by himself).

Effectively, none of this confusion would have occurred if Salazar and
Nehru had done the right thing in 1961 i.e. given Goans the right to self

Also, it is unlikely that this issue would have been of import in 2013 if
Goa was not treated like some 'spoils' of war. Besides, one can never force
another to love you or be part of one's family. Yugoslavia tried it and
USSR tried it; they both failed where the US succeeded. One needs to
understand why that is so.

At this point and time, however, the main reason why this matter has
created hypertension is politics. There are two elected individuals (BJP)
in focus and there are others who want them out.

The views of Parrikar and Mesquitta (both BJP) on this matter are quite
interesting, to say the least. Wonder how they would have reacted if the
concerned MLAs were of another party. (I will ignore the MGP view. If they
had the power. the MGP would have railroaded Goa into Maharashtra, Goan
wishes notwithstanding).

Is the following too difficult to comprehend wrt Indian and Portuguese law
as it stands today?

1: India does not accept dual nationality.

2: Those who are OCIs are prohibited, inter alia, from holding elected
office in India.

3: Those who have contested and won elected office while being Portuguese
citizens (only Portugal decides this) need to step down from the House,
voluntarily give up their Portuguese nationality (if they wish) and
recontest the ensuing bye elections(if they wish).

4: As Portugal is the only country which decides WHO is a citizen of
Portugal and HOW one gives up Portuguese citizenship, it might be that
almost ALL Goa MLAs may have to go through the process of 'giving up'
Portuguese citizenship.

5: The lesser mortals (the rest of the polulation) can decide what
nationality they wish to possess. If they opt for Portuguese nationality
and are able to obtain it, the most reasonable way forward is for them to
be afforded OCI status, if that is what they wish.

6: and move on

7: The alternative is to continue this drama ad infinitum while the paan
spit and allied filth continues to provide Goan walls with added colour.


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