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Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




For favour of early publication, please.

The People versus the Government.


Averthanus L. D'Souza.


With regard to the setting up of the Special Economic Zones in Goa, the
battle lines have been drawn and the picture is as clear as it can possibly
be.  It is the people of Goa versus the Government of Goa.   

The public opposition to the SEZs cannot be more comprehensive and more
united than it is now.  The popular uprising  against SEZs is paralleled
only by the movement against the Regional Plan, 2011 led by the Goa Bachao
Abhiyan.  In fact, the anti-SEZ movement surpasses, by far, the public
manifestation of opposition to the Government on this issue.   Village
Panchayat after Village Panchayat, Gram Sabhas in all the areas which were
indicated for the setting up of the SEZs have all unanimously rejected the
proposal.  The unanimity cannot be more obvious and more strident than it is
now.    In addition, even the coalition partner of the present Government,
the NCP  has openly voiced its opposition to the SEZ.  The BJP, of course,
has found a convenient political weapon to beat the Congress with.

In the face of such a unified opposition to a Government proposal,  it would
be sheer  stupidity for the Digambar Kamat Government to persist in its
efforts to impose the SEZs on the citizens of Goa.   Under the
circumstances, there is no point whatsoever of 'reviewing' the decision
which was made.   It is clear from the public opposition that the decision
was wrong.   The Government should not dilly-dally any longer, but should
explicitly and unambiguously make a public announcement that the plan to set
up SEZs in Goa has been scrapped - totally and irrevocably.

The only lobby which seems to be pressurizing the Government to continue
with the policy is the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  This is
understandable because the industrial and commercial interests represented
by the GCCI have an important stake in the SEZs.  Apart from getting lands
which have been acquired at a pittance by the Government, these lobbies will
be able to set up and run projects which will be outside the scope of the
ordinary laws of the State.   They will be exempt from paying local taxes,
even though they will get the benefit of the infrastructure, such as roads,
electricity, water supply and garbage disposal, which will be provided by
the State Government out of the State's Exchequer.   In short, the
industries will get a great deal of something for nothing.   The only sop
which they have been dangling before the citizens is the creation of jobs
for the local unemployed youth.   However, the youth have seen through this
false promise and have  rejected the  offer.   In any case, the destruction
of Goa's physical environment and social and cultural  atmosphere far
outweighs the measly benefits which the industries have been offering.
Moreover, it has become clear that the developers have used the  excuse of
industrial development for massive real estate development.   Recent
newspaper investigations have revealed  that land has been allotted to huge
builders from Delhi and Bombay, who have no competence whatsoever in
industrial development.   The cat is now out of the bag.   In the name of
industrial development, land will be used for large scale commercial
purposes.   It is nothing short of a massive fraud which is sought to be
perpetrated against the citizens of Goa.  The citizens have rightly rejected
the entire plan.

The very concept of Special Economic Zones, outside the normal
administrative and legal control of a State Government,  is abhorrent to
democracy and to democratic institutions.   In a subtle way, big businesses
are trying to set up parallel political authorities, outside the purview of
duly elected governments.  Even the law and order within the SEZs will fall
outside the purview of the State Government, which will have to seek the
approval of the Development Commissioner before intervening in any problem
inside the SEZ areas.   

It was announced that the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry has convened
a meeting on December 8th 2007  in the Conference Hall of the GCCI to
discuss the implications of the SEZs.  The GCCI has invited several NGOs and
private citizens who are known to oppose the SEZ plan to present their
points of view on the subject.   What is intriguing about this exercise of
the GCCI is the fact that it is persisting in its efforts to "soften up" the
opposition to the SEZ by pretending to consult the NGOs and other citizens.
For one thing, the popular protest against the SEZs is directed against the
Government, which has betrayed the trust of the people.  No public mention
has been made of the role of the GCCI in the plan to set up SEZs.  One
wonders, therefore, why the GCCI has taken it upon itself to shield the
Government from public criticism.  The policy has been made by the
Government, which is now facing the flak.   Secondly,  it is the Government
which will have to take cognizance of the public opposition to SEZs.  Why
has the GCCI assumed the role of intermediary between the public and the
Government?    Thirdly, and finally, the opposition by the citizens is very
clear and unambiguous.  No purpose will be served by having a debate on this
issue, at this late stage.   The meeting called by the GCCI appears to be
ill-timed and ill-advised.   There is no more scope for discussion.  The SEZ
decision has to be scrapped.



Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula, Goa 403 004.


Tel: (0832)  2453628.



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