
I was planning to write a few words wrt the rather interesting
politicians-comments relating to the Caitu Purtuguez nationality case
Instead, I thought I'd write a few+ lines about this matter which
apparently is the 'headlining' at the moment.

I wonder why 'we' are so surprised (if we are) about the developments in
this case? Is this not how the proverbial cookie crumbles?

My observations et al:

a: Tejpal's Tehelka served as a relatively small but significant watchdog
in India. (releative to the problemas)
b: Politicians are no friends of watchdogs, and watchdogs are not
necessarily saints..
c: In the balance which normally controls life and many events,
'watch-dogging' is a two way affair.
d: This is particularly important for the essentially weaker of the
watchdogs to remember. One provable slip and you and your organization are
done for good.

e: What is the meaning of Rape according to Indian law?
f: What degree of proof is required by the courts?
g: Is there any room for an early medical examination and report?

h: I will side step the masterful inactivity wrt the Vasco girl (alleged)
rape case for now. While it raises legitimate issues, it has NO bearing on
the index case.

i: Aires Rodrigues is on the button when he states in ref #1 (infra):"If
Tarun Tejpal is found guilty he should face the music". However, it is pure
speculation at this point, to think in terms of "framed" and that too "at
the behest of vested interests".

g: Eduardo Faleiro is absolutely right when he advises caution against a
rush to judgement. The court eventually rules based on 'all the facts of
the case'. Please vide ref #2 (infra).

h: One facet which might play a key role is the Tejpal email of Nov 19,
2013. The operative question is likely to be: What was he apologizing for?

i: Forgive me for ignoring Wendell Rodricks' quite ridiculous swipe (vide
ref #4 infra) at Eduardo Faleiro. I believe that Mr. Faleiro knows the Law
and was speaking from that perspective, his partisan political undertone
having been noted.

h: In conclusion, I'd like to second the observation by Aires Rodrigues:
"If our police had to show such policing enthusiasm in every other case,
Goa would have been India’s only crime free state." Ain't that the truth?


ref #1: Aires Rodrigues: If Tarun Tejpal is found guilty he should face the
music but if he was framed by this young journalist at the behest of vested
interests that lady
should not be spared but also punished in public glare.

ref # 2: Eduardo Faleiro: "Faleiro:  We cannot go into the merits of the
case at this stage and the true facts will be known only after examination
of the CCTV footage at the hotel where the Think Fest was held earlier this
month and after Shri Tejpal, the young journalist and the managing editor
of Tehelka depose in Court.

ref #3: Tejpal email Nov 19, 2013: "I felt I had been totally irresponsible
and foolish to have anything furtive to do with my daughter’s intimate
friend. At that very moment I was filled with shame, and still am".

ref #4: Wendell Rodricks: "Wendell Rodricks: Typical political view. What
about the allegedly molested woman here? Do we forget her fr the sake of
politics? And this hogwash about Goa not being fair? Are the judges of he
Bombay High Court in Goa and DGP from Goa? Rubbish! "

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