Hi Selma
 There really is absolutely nothing to be apologetic
about  re "the premature" anticipation of the
Convention in London. Your genuine keenness to have
contributed to it is clearly  well intentioned and
worthy of note.

I now present  a few further reflections on the
Toronto Convention--and hopefully my last on this
theme. I suggest that  several comments so far have
interpreted the word "Convention" as an expectation
that there would perhaps be hundreds attending.
Instead, a  member of the organising team told me over
the first lunch that, only about 80 were expected and
appropriate catering,  and other facilities were
therefore made for that number. In other words, it
does seem that hundreds of Torontonians were not
expected to attend this particular Convention.
Therefore, in this context, the question "where have
all the Canadians gone?" becomes a bit academic

I am relieved the Goan Convention  will not take place
in London in 2009. In a big place like  London, a lead
time of two years becomes essential as venues get
booked up very early. Unless there was access to pots
of money, a Goan Convention in London in 2009 would be
a potential disaster waiting to happen in my humble

Why do I feel this way? Well, since 1981, I have been
directly and indirectly involved, following my
establishment with an English university colleague,
Colin Mably, of the 'Googleable 'International Society
for Teacher Education (ISTE), of 27 annual
international conferences around the world. In  these
I have been variously, a keynote speaker, the
convener, co-convener, committee member or adviser in
running a conference model that we  preferred to call
a Seminar for numbers between 80 to 100  and running
with full board and accommodation for a week on a non
profit basis. Besides about 5 keynotes, all attendees
do a 10/15 minute summary presentation of their
prepared paper to a 'paper group' of about 12. Copies
of each paper are submitted previously for reading.
This is a virtually finished academic paper for
critical comment from the 'paper group'. The aim is
that each  paper will take on board many comments and
suggestions and be 'polished' soon after for
publication. The Seminar is therefore a working
Seminar. OK, this is more of a professional Seminar
with a parallel social programme, but  as no fellow
Goan has ever been to one of our highly successful
ISTE Seminars, this is hoping that they may turn up in
Salt Lake City in 2009,  Porto Alegre, Brasil, in
2010, and  Bangkok in 2011 all around Easter time.
They would definitely not be disappointed! Nor do we
receive adverse comments! The model designed in 1981
for a one-off Seminar has been closely adhered to 
with only very minor modifications to suit different
venues and countries. 

I had sent Kevin some thoughts/suggestions on the way
the Toronto Convention could run and I am aware that
these and many other ideas were explored for the final
programme by him and his team. I am very pleased that
the Goans in Sydney  will host the 2009 Convention.
Sydney is great for such an event and I wish the
organising group there much luck and success in the
limited preparatory time available to them.

By way of a bit of a summary, from my perspective, 
the Toronto Convention, was a great success. a) huge
numbers were not intended and  the premises booked
reflected this view. b)in my experience, local people
tend not to attend an international Convention as they
prefer a more 'exotic' location well away from home
and where they can combine attendance with a short
holiday. For instance, I could invariably get people
attending our ISTE Seminars in London,  from distant
Johannesburg or Fiji then from across the road and in
walking distance to the event! c) Having said this
however, I understand that the 1988 Toronto Convention
was extremely well attended by local people. This may
well have been true in 1988 and designed/planned for
large numbers. c)in 2008 in Toronto I have now
discovered that there were many potential scores to be
settled by some. The scene was therefore not very
different from weddings and funerals where things get 
bottled up, boil up to the surface and explode to an
intrigued unsuspecting audience! I was however further
saddened to learn on my return to London, that
relations  among some  Goans in Toronto are not
terribly cordial. Apart from competing interest
groups, I have been informed from reliable sources
that the caste  issue that, so upset Victor Rangel
Ribeiro in Lisbon last year, does seem to simmer under
the surface among Toronto Goans. This is of course,
the great Goan export that tends to get swept under
the carpet among Catholic Goans rather readily. If
this aspect of what I have heard  is not true, I hope 
Eugene Correia and any others will throw more light on
this and other  issues. Despite the substantial
criticism from just one attendee,  I say well done to
Kevin and his team for much success in difficult
circumstances. Although unaware of the local Goan
political scene before I attended the Convention in
Toronto I can now disclose some further strong
supporting elements in Kevin's favour. Kevin whom I
had not met before,  had on email explored with me the
possibility of having a keynote on Religion and Caste
among the Catholic Goans, a topic  about which I had
written extensively on Goanet. He expressed his
concern that he would not like it to be said that the
issue of caste was swept under the carpet at a Goan 
Convention. At this point, I indicated that I would be
willing to do a non-provocative keynote on 'The Enigma
of Caste among the Catholic Goans'. However, for a
variety of reasons, my attendance at the Convention
was very tentative and I therefore requested Kevin not
to include me as a keynote speaker at the Toronto
Convention-- assuming this was a possibility as some
on his committee had expressed reservations on Goanet
about caste featuring at the Convention. Therefore, to
be fair to Kevin, I take my hat off to him for wanting
to address a range of topics including the one on
caste that has been the bane of Catholic Goan society
for so long. He was prepared to take this risk  even
though he was mindful that it was clearly not a
welcome proposition to  some of those in his own
planning committee.

Finally let me explain that my attendance was due to a
phone call from my daughter Joanna from Florida in May
where she attended a major professional Convention at
Fort Lauderdale with some 9000 people attending. As
must be obvious, such a huge gathering can be 
entirely impersonal and even alienating. It was this I
believe that, prompted her to ask if I would be
willing to join her in Toronto where she hoped to have
a much more satisfying experience of a small
Convention among a friendly Goan crowd although none
were known to her. This arrangement worked very well
for her and for me. I was somewhat apprehensive how
she might find the Goan Convention but we were truly
delighted with our experience. We did not have huge
expectations but were grateful for the enormous effort
put in by Kevin and his team. Indeed, Joanna
unexpectedly suggested on hearing Dean de Cruz in his
keynote presentation, that she would readily volunteer
to work as an eye surgeon in Goa and travel there and
back at her own cost. If this is not an illustration
of a  positive 'outcome' arising from the Convention
in Toronto, then I don't know what is. I too felt
that, not to be outdone by Joanna, I would volunteer
to teach at a College or university at least for a
short duration if this could be arranged. 

Hopefully, supporters of the Toronto Convention and
its critics will  now have said enough to help those
in Sydney come up with an exciting programme in 2009
whilst fully recognising what a substantial risky task
they are taking on.

To finally,  sum up re the Toronto Convention and in
the light of my extensive experience of ISTE (above): 
a) the issue of identity was much discussed without
the expectation that we would arrive at a ready answer
about this topic that we all know is a bit of a
chimera. Yet, it was well worth exploring identity as
it arose in different discussions at this  Convention.
Indeed, the Convention prompted me to think more
clearly about the deconstruction of Hindu identity and
construction of a 'distinctive' Goan identity as a
result of conversion, and new mores under Portuguese
rule etc. In particular what problems were created in
this process and how, especially among the middle
classes, Konkani was jettisoned to our very great

b) Yes definitely, networking was achieved for many
and more than groundwork was laid for this as others
have spelt out.

c) the camaraderie was excellent at this Convention.
New friendships and contacts were generated
particularly as the event was small. Small is still
beautiful in my thinking and Joanna's too!   

d) many professionals attended this Convention and
their contribution to commentary and discussion was of
a high standard.

e) There was excellent attendance when events took
place outside working hours. This might suggest that
at least a few more would have attended if they were
free to do so outside the call of work, family
obligations, holidays etc in late July.

f) No workshops can be perfect for all participants
but the ones I attended were excellent. Even though I
write a lot, the writer's workshop, in particular,
gave me much food for thought. Perhaps from what
Eugene said about the one he attended and did not
enjoy, he could have left and joined us instead. This
would have been quite easy to do and his contribution
as a journalist would have been welcomed by our group
of 12 making him the lucky thirteenth person with us!

g) I enjoyed all the keynotes and asked questions when
opportunities arose. The one about the person working
for a Masters and emphasising that food clearly
identifies us most as Goans was not in the least bit
appetising to Eugene but even now, I am left with an
idea and its ramifications running in my head that I
had not considered before. Isn't this what a good
convention does to those attending? The responses to
the speaker from the floor were themselves pretty
illuminating in this instance. 

h) Dear Eugene has been the main critic of the
Convention and it was entirely right that he had his
say. There have been detailed criticisms of his
criticisms and it is not necessary for me to go over
some of them. However, I have posed the following
question for myself re Eugene: was his criticism,
fair, reasonable, constructive, specific to the
Convention, and objective rather than personal? On all
these criteria, I think Eugene went rather overboard
and could have separated the underbelly of 'kitchen
politics' on the Toronto scene and confined himself to
the outcomes of the Convention as planned and not as
he had imagined it would be. So my answers to the
above are as follows: a) fair? not quite! b)
reasonable? a bit short on this. c) constructive? a
long way short! d) specific to the Convention? Rather
wanting! d) objective rather than personal? Definitely
not! I honestly think Eugene  had too much of an axe
to grind and this was a bit unfortunate as he has
often been excellent on Goanet.

So, goodbye to Toronto and a warm welcome to Sydney
for the next Goan Convention. I hope many of us will
make it there before Gabe organises one in Timbuktu
that I would not miss for anything in the world!
Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.

--- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Cornel and Gabe,
> I'm relieved that it was not me who was the
> disseminater of this information. I did happen to
> make a premature post on Goanet, which I thought
> might have led to a misunderstanding. Whether we
> have all been premature or not, remains to be seen
> and should become clear within a couple of days.
> With all the acrimony we have had from Toronto, I
> don't know whether we will be missing an opportunity
> or dodging the bullet if it doesn't come to London.
> If it does come to London, we'll have to work
> together to make it a success.  
> best,
> selma

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