How the bogus votes are manufactured.

In the past booth capturing, intimidating, bogus voting, pre loading voting
boxes, capturing of voter boxes was the scourge of the democratic process
for too long .There was also invalid voting due to improper stamping .The
advent of electronic voting machines led to quick counting,  no invalid
votes,  no errors in counting ,  or rejectiion of  votes .The process of
voting became pleasant and easy at the press of button. Proof of voting
with a slip is  also being tried.

There are accusations galore that the machines can be programmed to divert
votes specifically, but no proof as of now .The new methods are taking away
of the ID cards under threat till the elections are over. Some incentives
are given in cash and kind ,The  gifts, incentives now are electronic
washing machines, mobiles, cars , bikes T.V  sets , free flow of liquor are
alluring and attractive vitiating election process .These items are stocked
and distributed well in advance to avoid the raids and seizures. The CTV
and cameras monitor the voting process, better security to voters to
improve the system.  I D cards were supposed to do away with bogus voting.
But booth level officers, for a sum of Rs2000= with or without discounts
are known to manufacture close to two 10, 000 bogus cards, besides
providing duplicate or triplicate cards with insignificant, minor changes
is the new strategy according to a sting operation .The voters are still
being registered in two states, All India electronic register of voters can
check this duplicity to a very  large extent, if proper documentation is
the pre requisite

The indelible ink, which was supposed to be the corner stone, proof and
check, has now been doubted and questioned,. The application of lime juice
and papaya milk is believed to do away with the ink mark on the finger, if
done immediately. There are manufactures of election ink remover in open
market and in convenient vials .Did Shard Pawar, unconsciously, wittingly,
disclosed the secret of ink removal? It is now public knowledge and the
issue is close with his explanation. We are proud of democratic process as
being fair, transparent, reliable .The E.C with video graphing, check on
expenditure, etc is attempting to make it as full proof as possible, Who
beats, derails the process is the candidates himself  or in connivance with
the party machinery for selfish gains

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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