March/April 2019 Issue <>
What’s Inside

Nationalism drove some of the greatest crimes in history. Now it's back
with a vengeance.
By Gideon Rose <>

The nation-state is so dominant today that it seems natural. But no
political arrangements are natural, and any concept with a hyphen has a
fault line running through it by definition. States are sovereign political
structures. Nations are unified social groups. What does each owe the other?

The claims of the state are obvious: it has a host of practical
responsibilities and legions of technocrats working to satisfy them. But
the claims of the nation are less clear, and they come with ugly echoes.
The advocacy of those claims—nationalism—drove some of the greatest crimes
in history. And so the concept became taboo in polite society, in hopes
that it might become taboo in practice, as well. Yet now it has come back
with a vengeance. Here, a dazzling collection of writers explain what’s
happening and why.

Jill Lepore opens with a bravura survey
two and a half centuries of American national consciousness. Today’s
challenge, she argues, is not to resist nationalism but to reappropriate it.

Kwame Anthony Appiah tackles the supposed incompatibility
nationalism and cosmopolitanism, which he claims is based on a
misunderstanding, since cosmopolitans believe in the possibility of
multiple nested identities.

Andreas Wimmer notes that distinguishing good, civic nationalism from bad,
ethnic nationalism is largely unhelpful,
<> since
the two share so many assumptions. For him as well, the contemporary battle
is not to fight nationalism but to promote inclusive versions of it.

Jan-Werner Müller argues that the true challenge comes not from nationalism
per se but from a particular populist variant
<>. The best response is
to avoid getting distracted and focus on delivering practical results.

Robert Sapolsky offers a depressing take on nationalism’s cognitive enablers
<>. When it
comes to group belonging, humans don’t seem too far from chimpanzees:
people are comfortable with the familiar and bristle at the unfamiliar.
Taming our aggressive tendencies requires swimming upstream.

Yael Tamir suggests that the main problem
is a clash between nationalism and neoliberal globalism
Nationalists want states to intervene in the market to defend their
citizens; their opponents favor freer trade and freer movement of people.
Jack Snyder concurs, suggesting that the proper response is to allow
governments greater freedom to manage capitalism
<>. And
Lars-Erik Cederman shows that rising ethnic nationalism has usually been
followed by violent upheavals,
<> so keeping things
peaceful down the road will be difficult.

Nationalism’s largely unpredicted resurgence is sobering. But these essays
left me hopeful, because they show a way out. Underneath all the theory and
history and science, everything boils down to politics. Leaders and
governments need to produce real solutions to real problems. If they don’t,
their disaffected publics will look for answers elsewhere. It’s as simple
as that.

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