Goa govt begins to mutate 122 properties owned by Pak nationals

A senior official said majority of these properties - 112 out of 122 - are
in North district of Goa

Goa government has listed 122 properties owned by Pakistani nationals in
the state and taken over their management while proposing to collect rent
from their occupiers.

The list, submitted to Union Ministry of Home affairs by the state
administration, has located 122 properties, categorised as 'enemy
property', whose owners have Pakistani citizenship.

A senior official said majority of these properties - 112 out of 122 - are
in North district of Goa. "The mutation process has been completed
recognising them as enemy properties. The government has taken over their
management," the official said. Although these properties are in the name
of Pakistani nationals, they were originally of Goans, who migrated to the
neighbouring nation before the state's liberation in 1961 and accepted the
citizenship there, a district administration official said.

The Union government, in its exercise to search for 'enemy properties'
across India, had also asked Goa government to conduct a survey detailing
information of such properties. "It was difficult to get all the
information as in many cases the Pakistani nationals have expired and even
legal heirs are not available," he said, adding "this is particularly so in
the case of properties where third parties are staying."


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