May 10's resignation of Goa Deputy Chief Minister Ravi Naik from the BJP 
may have caused a loss to the ruling party. But at the same time, it cannot 
be dubbed as very good news for the Congress particularly in the long run, 
says this interesting analysis by Vijay de Souza of the Herald.

As of now, Ravi's exit from the BJP and the fact that he has treaded the 
path back to the Congress, is also advantageous to the latter party, 
because it can now boast to the electorate, that the BJP was a sinking 
ship. But this will be short term gain for the Congress.

Politically speaking, in the long run, it will be a risky decision for the 
Congress, to re-admit Mr Naik into the party fold, keeping in mind the 
fact, that Ravi's presence will mean one more addition to the list of 
serious contenders for chief ministership, which will be decided in another 
three weeks from now.

Congress already has an array of candidates for the top post. It has in its 
ranks, at least four former chief ministers namely Luizinho Faleiro, 
Pratapsing Rane, Francisco Sardinha and Churchill Alemao. Besides, there is 
party president Nirmala Sawant who is being 'groomed' for the coveted post 
as the sole lady candidate.

To add to this list, IT savvy former union minister for law, Ramakant 
Khalap can also be in the fray for chief ministership.

Sources say, that although local party leaders were divided over the 
re-admission of Ravi, he managed to get the clearance directly from the 
High Command.

Ravi Naik was the chief minister from 1991 to 1993, before he was 
disqualified by the High Court.

It was in similar fashion, that Ravi was brought into the limelight by some 
highly ambitious and self-righteous Congress leaders in 1991. The Congress 
strategy to bring down Barbosa-led PDF government, served as a launching 
pad for Ravi Naik in the state's political scene. Until, then Ravi Naik was 
member of the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party.

Though an 'agreement' was arrived at between Ravi Naik and Dr Wilfred de 
Souza, now state NCP chief, supposedly in the presence of then Prime 
Minister Rajiv Gandhi, according to which, the former was to hold the chair 
of chief minister for six months, the 'agreement' could not stand the test 
of time.

Unfortunately for the veteran politician from Saligao, Gandhi was 
assassinated months later. By then Ravi Naik's image had already been 
sullied due to various decisions, he had taken during his tenure as chief 

Interestingly, Ravi was supported then, by quite a few Congress leaders in 
the government. But it was these same leaders, who ganged up against him 
during the 1994 assembly elections and managed to defeat Ravi in Madkai 
constituency, during the polls in Movember that year.

After being out of power for sometime, Ravi successfully contested Lok 
Sabha elections from North Goa defeating BJP candidate Pandurang Raut and 
MGP's Ramakant Khalap in 1997. As the Lok Sabha was dissolved, he later 
bounced back in state politics, winning from Ponda on Congress ticket.

Ravi is known to be a politically volatile person, but one who works 
without giving an inkling to the others of what he has up his sleeves.

As Opposition Leader, this time he led a split with four members from the 
Congress to join the BJP as deputy chief minister. Though his entry into 
the BJP, had shocked the party's cadre, particularly the RSS,top party 
leaders including Manohar Parrikar had brought about acculteration prcoess. 
During this phase there were more 'defectors' borrowed from other parties 
in the BJP, rather than its own legislators.

It must be said, that Parrikar had experimented an unprecedented fusion 
with members belonging to disparate groups, having diametrically opposed 
ideologically leanings and instead of facing an impending coup, went in for 
dissolution of the assembly in February this year.

Realistically speaking, Ravi was more important for the BJP taking into 
account the nuances of caste politics.

Popularly tagged as a leader of Bhandari samaj considered as a strong vote 
bank Ravi had also portrayed himself as a mass-based leader. It was also 
for these same reasons, that he was considered important for the Congress 
in the past.

It is not unsurprising, that Parrikar had allotted huge funds for PWD and 
also for Women and Child Developments - the departments which Ravi held. 
Besides, he had also given his deputy a free hand in the affairs of his 
departments. With today's development, it is Parrikar, who will feel most 
let down.

For political reasons, cases initiated against some PWD engineers in the 
Vigilance Department are gathering dust.

In Ponda - the constituency he represented in the dissolved house - much 
antagonism had arisen in the BJP ranks and this was very evident during the 
Ponda municipal polls held a few months ago. It was Parrikar who had stood 
by Ravi then, though one section of the BJP had openly revolted against the 
party decision and eventually Ravi had swept the polls.

It was the same issue, which Ravi raised while submitting his resignation - 
that the party cadre was not co-operative with him.

As reported by Herald two weeks ago, Ravi had been feeling uncomfortable 
following communal violence in Gujarat, as he was anticipating that 
minorities who form his main base, would not vote for him as BJP candidate.

Whether this decision of the Congress re-admitting Ravi into the party fold 
is right or not, only time will tell.

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