Votem se sao contra DRM.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DRM ACTION: Tell the BBC to Ditch DRM, Vote in FT Poll
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:52:14 -0800
From: Gregory Heller
Dear Julio,

This is a big week for anti-DRM activists in the UK (and around the 
world).  The British government has rejected a petition from UK 
residents to ban DRM.  Their response was preposterous in its naivety 
  The government suggests that DRM adds value for the customer! At the 
same time, the BBC has opened a Public Consultation asking constituents 
to weigh in on their proposal to add DRM to BBC content and on-demand 
services.  Anyone can participate on their website.  You can visit our 
site for some resources on the issue 
The Financial Times is running a poll on their website asking "Should 
music companies drop DRM?" The responses so far are overwhelmingly on 
the side of dropping DRM as are comments on the poll. You can vote, and 
comment at the Financial Times website.

  * Vote in the Financial Time Poll

The BBC consultation has three questions regarding DRM:
Question 3, How long do you think consumers should be able to store BBC 
programmes on their computers before viewing them?
Question 4, Should there be any limitation on the number of episodes of 
a series made available for catch-up or the length of time for which 
they can be viewed? Question 5. How important is it that the proposed 
seven-day catch-up service over the internet is available to consumers 
who are not using Microsoft software?

Question 3 and 4 are about using DRM to make your files disappear - 
Question 5, is about the enforcing the Microsoft Tax and tying users to 
a DRM platform.

You don't need to answer all their questions. You can just one if you 
wish and it only takes 5 minutes.

  * Respond to the BBC questionnaire.

No to DRM! Yes to Free Standards! Yes to Free Software!

In Solidarity,
Gregory, Peter, Henri and the DRM Elimination Crew

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