I'm building an applet in Processing (Java graphics extension) which
pulls data from a Google Spreadsheet to populate its internal
database.  I finally have it to the point where I can and want to run
tests in applet form, and I get this error:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/gdata/util/ServiceException

This does not happen when I run straight from the local compiler, only
in the applet.  Looking at the files that were created in the applet
folder when I hit Export, I noticed my google library files were not
included, but copying them over did not work.  Searching the internet
returned little results, the only one which showed any promise
required my end users to download the google packages onto their
machine manually, which ruins the point of making it a web applet.

Any suggestions?  This is rather important for the project, and I
could use some help.

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