I created two simple services based on nodejs and hello-world sample.

I am trying to explore dispatch.yaml
My dispatch.yaml.
  # Send all listing traffic to the listing frontend.
- url: "*/prolisting/*"
  service: prolisting
- url: "*/prolisting"
  service: prolisting
- url: "*/*"
  service: default

'prolisting' service app.yaml
runtime: nodejs14
service: prolisting

default service app.yaml
runtime: nodejs14

I have uploaded to bgsample.appspot.com.
The default works: bgsample.appspot.com
The prolisting also works: https://prolisting-dot-bgsample.uc.r.appspot.com

However, the following URL does not work

As per the dispatch.yaml, it should route to prolisting service, but gives
the following error
Cannot GET /prolisting

my repo:


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