
I have noticed that sometimes AppEngine fails to process some Chat Msgs
(requests), especially when it receives a (Chat Msg) request after a long
gap (5 min in my case) or when request rate is high, showing following error
in logs and returns status SUCCESS.

W01-17 03:19AM 26.384

Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your
request. Most likely, this indicates that you have reached your
simultaneous dynamic request limit. This is almost always due to
excessively high latency in your app. Please see
http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.html for more details.

I have also checked that AppEngine doesn't reprocesses those failed Chat
Msgs (requests) as it does for failed inbound mails. If it not reprocessing
the failed request then why it returns status SUCCESS ? I remember, earlier
AppEngine used to reprocess failed Chat Msgs also, why it doesn't now? Has
it stopped reprocessing failed inbound mails also??

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