Re: is individual color for every bar in a bar chart possible? specification of free space before first bar?

2009-07-31 Thread KeithB
Could you try again, please, because specifying colors via the CHCO parameter works for me:; chxt=y,x chs=600x200 chd=t:0,1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1,0 chds=0,4,0,100 chxl=1:||first|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eight||0:|0|1|2| 3|4 chbh=15,50

Re: is individual color for every bar in a bar chart possible? specification of free space before first bar?

2009-07-30 Thread KeithB
I think your spacing solution is probably best. Regarding individual colors, try: chco=ff|ff|dd|bb|99|77|55| 33|11|ff and the documentation discusses how colors repeat if you define too few. Good luck, K

Re: is individual color for every bar in a bar chart possible? specification of free space before first bar?

2009-07-30 Thread KeithB
Unfortunately, no, but you can specify text for two x-labels (see chxt=x,y,x chxl=0:|Fine lines and wrinkes|Skin is firmer|Skin appeared|Overall skin|2:|were reduced||more youthful|has improved Or move to a horizontal bar chart...