Israel’s Explanation for Deadly Gaza Aid Attack "Full of Holes as a Window
Screen"–Former US Ambassador Edward Peck [image: Carmon]

Former US Ambassador Edward Peck was on the Gaza aid flotilla that came
under attack by Israeli forces. At least nine people were killed and dozens
wounded. Peck says Israel’s explanation for the attack is "twisting the
truth" and is "as full of holes as a window screen." [includes rush

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*Edward Peck*, former U.S. ambassador.

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*SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *We go now to the Middle East, where Israel has
deported more than 120 activists seized after a deadly raid in international
waters on a humanitarian aid flotilla trying to break the Gaza blockade. The
activists were taken to Jordan and released. Hundreds more, most of them
Turkish, remain in custody. In the face of mounting world criticism, Israel
said it will release the rest of the detainees within the next two days.

This is Mark Regev, the spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

   *MARK REGEV: *We don’t want to see foreign activists in an Israeli
   detention center, and so we’ve decided to speed up the process of
   deportation, and our hope is to have all these activists out of the country
   within forty-eight hours.

*SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *At least nine people were killed when armed Israeli
commandos, using helicopters and dinghies, stormed the six-ship Gaza aid
convoy early on Monday. The identities of the dead have not been released,
but four of them are said to be from Turkey. Reuters reports one of them is
Turkish activist Ali Aydar Bengi. Speaking in Ankara, his sister-in-law
Azize Tekin blasted Israel for the raid.

   *AZIZE TEKIN: *[translated] The whole world has denounced Israel. So did
   we. Once again, they have shown their ugly side to the world. I cannot even
   consider them as human beings.

*AMY GOODMAN: *The attack has sparked worldwide protest and condemnation.
Turkey’s prime minister said Israel should be "punished" for what he called
a "bloody massacre." The UN Security Council condemned actions that, quote,
"led" to the deaths and called for an impartial investigation. At a news
conference, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the US fully
supports the Security Council statement.

   *ROBERT GIBBS: *The Security Council deeply regrets the loss of life and
   injuries resulting from the use of force during the Israeli military
   operation in international waters against the convoy sailing to Gaza. The
   Council, in this context, condemns those acts which resulted in the loss of
   at least ten civilians and many wounded, and expresses its condolences to
   their families. The Security Council requests the immediate release of the
   ships as well as civilians held by Israel.

   *REPORTER: *So that would seem to cover President Obama’s personal
   feelings, while some of the allies are looking for a stronger statement from
   him directly.

   *ROBERT GIBBS: *Well, again, I—this is supported not just by the United
   States but by the international community.

   *REPORTER: *In light of what happened with the Gaza aid flotilla, is the
   President considering at least backing international calls to lift the
   blockade on the Gaza Strip by the Israeli forces?

   *ROBERT GIBBS: *No. Well, look, obviously, as we have said before, we are
   concerned about the humanitarian situation in Gaza and continue to work with
   the Israelis and international partners in order to improve those
   conditions. And as the UN Security Council statement says, obviously it’s an
   untenable situation.

   *HELEN THOMAS: *Our initial reaction to this flotilla massacre,
   deliberate massacre, an international crime, was pitiful. What do you mean
   you regret when something should be so strongly condemned? And if any other
   nation in the world had done it, we would have been up in arms. What is this
   sacrosanct, iron-clad relationship, where a country that deliberately kills

   *ROBERT GIBBS: *Well, again, Helen, I—

   *HELEN THOMAS: *—and boycotts, and we aid and abet the boycott?

   *ROBERT GIBBS: *Well, look, I think the initial reaction, regretted the
   loss of life, as we tried and still continue to try to gather the relevant—

   *HELEN THOMAS: *Regret won’t bring them back.

   *ROBERT GIBBS: *Nothing can bring them back, Helen. We know that for
   sure, because I think if you could, that wouldn’t be up for debate. We
   are—we believe that a credible and transparent investigation has to look
   into the facts. And as I said earlier, we’re open to international
   participation in that investigation.

   *HELEN THOMAS: *Why did you think of it so late?

   *ROBERT GIBBS: *Why did we think of...?

   *HELEN THOMAS: *Why didn’t you initially condemn it?

   *ROBERT GIBBS: *Again, I think the statements that we released speak
   directly to that.

*AMY GOODMAN: *Robert Gibbs being questioned at the end there by veteran
White House correspondent Helen Thomas.

All the permanent members of the Security Council except for the United
States have explicitly called for Israel’s three-year blockade of the Gaza
Strip to be lifted. Meanwhile, the Egyptian government has temporarily eased
the blockade and opened the border crossing between Egypt and Gaza.

Despite Monday’s deadly attack, another ship carrying aid has set sail for
Gaza intending to challenge the Israeli blockade. Organizers of the Freedom
Flotilla said five of those on board are Irish, including Nobel Peace Prize
laureate Mairead Maguire. Israel remains defiant and says it’s ready to
intercept the ship. The ship is called *The Rachel Corrie*, named after the
American peace activist Rachel Corrie, who was crushed to death by an
Israeli military bulldozer on March 16, 2003, as she was trying to protect
the home of a Palestinian family from being demolished.

Haneen Zuabi, an Israeli Arab member of the Israeli Knesset, the parliament,
was on the lead ship, the *Mavi Marmara*, when it was attacked. She was
supposed to be on the program today, but she has just gone into session in
the Israeli parliament. So, for more, we turn to Edward Peck. He’s a former
US ambassador. He, too, was on the Gaza aid flotilla, and he’s joining us
from his home in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Welcome to *Democracy Now!*

*EDWARD PECK: *I’m honored.

*AMY GOODMAN: *Can you talk about, Ambassador Peck, what happened? Where
were you in this flotilla, and what took place—what was it?—about 4:00
Monday morning?

*EDWARD PECK: *Four o’clock in the morning, and we were on a small ship. I
was not on the one that was so heavily damaged, physically, in terms of the
people. We were on a small ship under—that had come out of Athens, Greece.
There were fifty-four of us onboard. And our ship was small enough so that
the Israeli commandos were able to step from their deck right onto ours. So
the first thing we knew was the sound of footsteps, and my eyelids flicked
open, and there they were, heavily armed. And I notice the Israeli
government keeps referring to the paint guns, but the paint guns were
attached to the automatic weapons and the stun grenades and the pepper spray
and the tasers and everything else that these guys carry. You know, paint
guns are for fun.

And it was all over in the inside of the ship where I was. But up on the
upper deck, where some people had been sitting and sleeping, they made an
effort to peacefully prevent the Israelis from taking over the wheelhouse,
and we had a number of people injured in that. Nothing critical of a
critical nature, but we had people on crutches and people with bandages and
peoples with their arms in slings, and the captain had his neck in a
bracelet. And they were the first ones off the ship, when they finally
forced us into—off the ship in Ashdod.

*AMY GOODMAN: *Ambassador Peck, why did you go on this mission?

*EDWARD PECK: *Well, that’s a good question. You know, I have been an
activist. I don’t consider that to be anything but a word that informs
people that I’m interested and aware. And I’ve made a number of trips to
Israel and all the surrounding countries and the West Bank over the—since I
retired, explaining, talking, meeting people, taking groups of people over
to meet and discuss. And I decided I would like to have a chance to
participate in something tactile, something that you could see, you know,
something—rather than just plain words. And the Americans were added to this
group, as you probably know, very late in the game. It was a European thing.
And at the last minute, they said, "We need some Americans," and they
contacted Paul and Janet and got the Free Palestine Movement organized. And
they invited me, and I said yes, because I thought it would be helpful and
beneficial to Israel to let them receive the supplies, just the convoy of
the boats that carried the equipment, to come in and help the people of
Gaza, a humanitarian effort not directed against Israel, but intended to
deal with the humanitarian situation that needed to be dealt with by people
who could help from outside. Everything we brought was donated, as you may
know. Everything the flotilla brought was donated by people who said, "Yeah,
we’ve got to help the folks in Gaza. They are suffering."

*AMY GOODMAN: *Ambassador Peck, we’re going to break. When we come back,
we’re going to play an interview with the deputy ambassador to the United
Nations from Israel, and we’d like to get your response. Ambassador Edward
Peck, on with us on the line from Chevy Chase, Maryland, where he’s just
returned home. He was one of the members of the 700-strong Freedom Flotilla
bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza. This is *Democracy Now!* We’ll be back in
a minute.


*AMY GOODMAN: *On the line with us is Ambassador Ed Peck. He is just back
from the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, one of the ships—the ships were attacked by
Israeli commandos. But first, we’re going to turn to another diplomat.

*SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *Well, yesterday I had a chance to speak with
Israel’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Daniel Carmon. I reached
him on the phone and questioned him about the raid.

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *Why did Israel attack a boat carrying more than
   600 international activists in international waters?

   *DANIEL CARMON: *Israel did not attack a boat. Israel enforced a maritime
   blockade, which is a measure that is totally legal in international law, to
   enforce a blockade when there is a possibility of a danger emanating from
   some source. And this was exactly the case. There was a flotilla of
   so-called real, genuine humanitarian aid to Gaza. And when I’m saying
   "so-called," I mean some of this flotilla was not a genuine, naive
   humanitarian aid-only flotilla. And for this reason and for the danger that
   emanated from this, we—our navy enforced the blockade, as—

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *But this was in international waters.

   *DANIEL CARMON: *The international law—and I would refer you to
   international law—when there is a danger, when there are conditions that
   require this, boarding can be done on a dangerous vessel in international
   waters, too.

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *Eyewitnesses said commandos came out shooting,
   the Israeli commandoes came out shooting.

   *DANIEL CARMON: *Not at all. Not at all. The Israeli navy, after
   repeatedly offering a remedy and an alternative for transferring the
   humanitarian aid to Gaza through the port of Ashdod, the Israeli for weeks
   now, after updating the organizers and the relevant governments about our
   intentions, did exactly what we said we would do: boarded the ship—the
   ships, and I’m talking about there were six ships, by the way. Five ships
   adhered totally to what they were supposed to do and replied and reacted
   positively to the communications done by the Israeli navy. One particular
   ship, the *Marmara*, which had onboard not humanitarian activists only,
   but some activists of a very extreme organization called IHH, which had
   other intentions, had other plans, and the plans were to provoke. And more
   than this, when the Israeli navy—

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *What evidence do you have of those plans? IHH is
   an organization that works across Turkey and the world.

   *DANIEL CARMON: *Yes, and is also connected to terrorism and to al-Qaeda
   and some elements from the people of this organizations, when the Israeli
   naval soldiers came down to the ship in order to—to enforce the blockade,
   after repeated advertisement that were answered by "negative" or four-letter
   words, which I will not repeat here, were attacked. And I think you saw that
   on TV also. I hope you did.

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *Well, let me ask you—

   *DANIEL CARMON: *By knife, clubs, shooting from live ammunition. One
   soldier was thrown overboard. You have it all in the media. And the reaction
   is a very natural reaction, unfortunate result, but a natural reaction of

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *Let me ask you about that video that was
   released by the Israeli military. Will you release an unedited video of the
   excerpts that have been playing on the networks?

   *DANIEL CARMON: *I am not—I’m not aware of what you mean by "edited" or
   "unedited," but I think you saw that—you saw that, and it speaks by itself.

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *And do you know who filmed it?

   *DANIEL CARMON: *No, I have no idea.

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *And why haven’t you released the names of the
   dead? At least nine were killed. First of all, do you know how—can you
   confirm the number of dead?

   *DANIEL CARMON: *As much as I know, there are nine dead in this
   unfortunate incident, some injured and Israeli soldiers wounded, including
   two gravely wounded.

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *Well, there are families around the world who
   are anxiously awaiting news. Why have the names of the dead not been
   released yet?

   *DANIEL CARMON: *We would have to check it with the local authorities.

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *And why is Israel continuing to hold hundreds of
   international activists? What is their crime?

   *DANIEL CARMON: *Any of the participants in this so-called protest, which
   is much more than just a—even much more than just a protest, those who are
   suspected of trespassing the law, there will be measures that would be
   applied. All those who don’t will be released as soon as possible. We have
   indicated this from the start of this operation. We have indicated this in
   the planning stages. We had no intention of doing anything—anything—that was
   problematic. The problems and the confrontation and the violence came from
   the other side, from those who misused the disguised—the disguise of
   humanitarian aid to do something else. And this something else is the lynch
   that we saw in this clip that—in this horrible clip that we all saw.

   *SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *Well, the UN Security Council has condemned the
   raid. What is your response?

   *DANIEL CARMON: *I would—I would suggest to read exactly the text of
   various communications in the last few days. I haven’t seen—the condemnation
   is a condemnation of the act that brought this incident to be what it was,
   and I think that you can interpret exactly, meaning that the flotilla by
   itself—and we have heard it in various communications and speeches in the
   Security Council. If the flotilla was a genuine, innocent humanitarian aid
   flotilla, things would go the other way, exactly as other flotillas went and
   other convoys went there before. But unfortunately, this was not the case.
   They had other intentions. They had other connections. And they wanted to
   provoke. And provoke, they did.

*SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *That was Israel’s deputy ambassador to the United
Nations Daniel Carmon, speaking with me yesterday. Edward Peck, you’re a
former US ambassador. You were on this aid flotilla. Respond to some of the
comments of Daniel Carmon.

*EDWARD PECK: *Well, sir, you know, it’s interesting. He did what he was
supposed to do, and everything he said, as far as I’m concerned, is what you
find in a meadow somewhere where they keep large animals. You know, here,
one of the things I find that is the twist in this thing was that these
peaceful, heavily armed commandos who were in international waters to
capture a ship full of men and women, who were not bothering Israel, and who
took what steps they could to try to prevent these pirates from doing it,
are accused of attacking them. Mr.—the deputy ambassador, they were
defending the ship. The Israelis were attacking it, and the passengers
didn’t want them to do it. And to see somebody using a deckchair against a
heavily-armed and armored Israeli soldier, I mean, my god, that’s a
dangerous weapon. It’s called twisting the story. If you come to attack me
and I defend myself, you know, that’s considered legal in law.

*SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *And Edward Peck, he kept saying this was not a
genuine humanitarian-only flotilla. What do you say to that?

*EDWARD PECK: *Yeah, this is the other thing. You know, I did not expect
that the government of Israel would refer to us as tree-hugging, you know,
flowerchildren. Of course we’re also savage, murdering, you know,
anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian—aw, come on, get off it. But of course he has
to say this. This is Israel’s position. But it’s as full of holes as a
window screen. You know, if you look at the people who were there and the
stuff that we were bringing, and he quotes—forgive me, I get—I’ve been
talking about this since I got back yesterday morning, just about this time,
I guess. The international law, he says, you know, you can do this if it’s
provoking a danger, but Gaza does not belong to Israel. It is illegally
occupied by international law, so you can’t really stop ships from going
there. Well, you can, and they did, but if people try to resist what you’re
trying to do, you cannot really accuse them of attacking your heavily armed
soldiers. And they were heavily armed. On our little boat, a couple of them
had paint guns attached to their submachine guns, along with stun grenades
and the pepper spray and the handcuffs and the pistols, you know. So this is
sort of a twisting reality, which of course I understand why they’re trying
to do it. I’ve been a diplomat. But it’s laughable.

Sir, just try one more thing. He didn’t mention this because he may not know
it, but all of us—I was expelled. I was deported for having violated Israeli
law. And I said to the gentleman, "What law have I violated?" He said, "You
have illegally entered Israel." I said, "Well, now, wait. Our ship was taken
over by armed commandos. I was brought here at gunpoint against my will, and
you call that illegally entering Israel? You and I went to different law
schools, guy." It’s kind of a—it’s a fiasco. It would be amusing if it
weren’t so damned sad, because, unfortunately—and I speak with total
sincerity here—I think Israel has done itself some serious damage. And in
addition to just what they did, it was the way they did it and the way
they’re presenting it. Nobody regrets what happened on the Israeli side,
because those were all terrorists, you know, violating our laws. Guys, get a
grip. This isn’t going to work.

*AMY GOODMAN: *Ambassador Peck, who did you serve under as ambassador in the
Middle East?

*EDWARD PECK: *Well, I was ambassador, essentially, in Baghdad under a man
named Jimmy Carter, and then I was an ambassador in Mauritania under a man
named Ronald Reagan. But I served under—you know, I was a career guy, so I
served under, I think, eleven presidents. I’ve forgotten exactly. I guess it
was eight presidents, excuse me.

*AMY GOODMAN: *Ambassador Peck, what do you think President Obama should do?
Are you satisfied with the US response?

*EDWARD PECK: *No, I’m not, and it concerns me. I understand as well as most
people, I suppose, and better than most, the relationship that links the
United States to Israel. I think certain aspects of it are wonderful, and
certain aspects of it are detrimental to the interests of both countries.
But I understand it exists. I would wish that Mr. Obama—"deeply regrets," my
goodness, you know, and Secretary Clinton is talking to their foreign
minister about how we handle this crisis? Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
What do *we* have to do with this crisis? Well, I know, the world perceives
us as aiding, arming, financing and supporting Israel in pretty much
whatever it does. That’s our national policy. But if I were he, it strikes
me as an opportunity that he could use to take some of the steps that he
obliquely referred to in the early days of his administration, which raised
people’s hopes, that perhaps the United States would distance itself a bit
from what Israel does rather than supporting it all blindly.

*SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: *And Ambassador Peck, finally, the United States is
the only permanent member of the Security Council not to explicitly call for
an end to the three-year Israeli blockade of Gaza.

*EDWARD PECK: *Well, sir, that doesn’t surprise me. You know, I think we
vetoed twenty-nine Security Council resolutions over the years that were
directed at trying to get Israel to do various things or stop doing them.
This is our policy. You may know that one of the gentlemen on our particular
little boat was a veteran of the attack of—Israel’s attack on the *USS
Liberty* in the '67 war, in which 200 American servicemen serving on a US
Navy ship were killed or wounded. And what did that lead to? So, the
situation is imbalanced. You know, we're not looking at our own interests
the way we should. The President should pay perhaps a little more attention
to how to advance America’s interests, rather than protect Israel, because
this is costly. And *The Rachel Corrie*, if they attack *The Rachel Corrie*,
named after—

*AMY GOODMAN: *The ship that’s headed to Gaza now. We have five seconds,

*EDWARD PECK: *Thank you. And that will be a tragedy for everyone. And I
don’t want that. No one with half a brain wants anything bad to happen to
Israel, but I fear that they’re going to happen.

*AMY GOODMAN: *Former US Ambassador Edward Peck. He was on the aid flotilla.

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