
Does setting "ForceCommand" in $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/ssh/sshd_config do
what you need? It's documented in the man page:



On 1/29/10 7:08 AM, Henning Perl wrote:
> Hello!
> I am trying to make gitosis (git repository hosting) work with gsi-openssh 
> using certificates.
> This is how gitosis usually works:
> 1. All users log in using user `git' with a public key
> 2. In ~git/.ssh/authorized_keys, for each public key there is a 
> `command="gitosis-serve"' entry
> 3. gitosis-serve gets called and inspects the $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND 
> env-variable to grant or deny permission based on username and repository to 
> access
> My question is: Is there a way to supply a command that gets called *instead 
> of* the command the user supplied and have the user's command saved in some 
> environment variable?
> I already found `~/.ssh/rc', but with this two problems remain:
> 1. The original command gets called too (after the rc-script)
> 2. I have no access to the original command in the rc-script
> Does anyone have a clue about how to do this?
> Best regards, Henning Perl

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