A local church may have a program for giving out warm clothes to the  
homeless. I volunteered on the "food van" run by the Adventist Church that went 
downtown Baltimore giving out hot soup sandwiches as well as coats, scarves,  
gloves, shoes, etc to the area homeless. 
In a message dated 2/10/2006 11:18:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

On Feb  10, 2006, at 11:04 AM, Sylvia Rognstad wrote:

> I made a whole slew  of those fringed fleece boas that were popular a 
> couple years ago,  with the intention of selling them all.  I did sell 
> a few on  ebay but am stuck now with about 25-30 of them and no one 
> wants them  anymore.  Does anyone have any ideas about an organization 
> I  might donate them to?  They're really warm but unfortunately, went  
> out of style really fast.
>  Sylrog

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