On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Maor Meir wrote:

> As promissed: attached is the text I wrote for basic Makefile use to add
> to W2L0
> look it over, comment, I'll fix as necessary and than shlomi could
> HTMLize it to fit with the rest of the beautyfied lecture slides.
> Meir.

The problem is that you don't really explain the format of the makefile.
It should be something like:

In a makefile, the target is followed by a colon (:), which is then
followed by a list of its dependencies. Afterwards in a new line, there
should be a tab character (and not any other whitespace before or
afterwards), followed by the command used to generate the target from the

Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:         http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/

An apple a day will keep a doctor away. Two apples a day will keep two
doctors away.

        Falk Fish

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