Dear Aleks, Bryan, Igor and Willy,

Thank you Aleks and Igor for your domain rewrite insights and Bryan and Willy for your basic configuration guidance in the last few weeks. Your insights and a few Web articles helped us achieve the following milestones:

1)  A working reverse proxy load balancing deployment of HAProxy.

2)  Access a product while employing reverse proxy by sub-directory.

Your efforts culminated into a HAProxy configuration that is given below for your and other users review, modification and use.

Also, if you are a blog writer, please feel free to post it as your blog for other's benefit and quicker adoption of HAProxy.

Your guidance has been important and relevant to us as HAProxy, Varnish, Keepalived / Heartbeat and Pound implementations will be the corporate sentinel of our private cloud infrastructure that customers access. This corporate infrastructure will help in our journey to IPO. Your encouraging and timely help propelled us faster towards this goal. Thank you.

Additional Web articles that helped us:

i. Baptiste Assman:

ii. Waldner:


HAProxy configuration for reverse proxy by Sub-directory



frontend webapps-frontend
    bind          *:80 name http
    bind          *:443 name https ssl crt /path/to/server.pem

    log           global
    option        forwardfor
    option        httplog clf

    http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

acl host_https req.hdr(Host) <FQDN>:SSL_FORWARDED_Port # Port not required if there is no port forwarding
    acl path_subdomain_p2 path_beg -i /Product2
    use_backend subdomain_p2-backend if host_https path_subdomain_p2

backend subdomain_p2-backend
    acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
rspirep ^(Location:)\ (http://)(.*)$ Location:\ https://\3 if hdr_location

server Product2.VM0 <internal_IPxx.yy.zz.ww:APPLICATION_PORT> cookie c check

Thank you.


-- --
Susheel Jalali
Coscend Communications Solutions

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