2008-10-15 13:32 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/include/hbapi.h
  * harbour/source/vm/hvm.c
  * harbour/source/vm/estack.c
    * disabled all debugger related bindings and variables when
      HB_NO_DEBUG macro is set
    % moved s_fDebuging to HVM function stack frame to eliminate
      saving/restoring this variable in each function/message call
      Note: if you think it's good to block linking .prg code compiled
            with -b (debugger support) with HVM compiled with HB_NO_DEBUG
            then it's enough to disable whole hb_dbg_SetEntry() function
            in hvm.c when HB_NO_DEBUG macro is set.

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