            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

We're all over the place tonight folks...Live from 7-9 pm ET/4-6 pm PT with pre & post 
Bush speech slicin' & dicin'...Plus we'll update the 11 pm ET show with more post 
speech reax...

POTUS (President of the United States) is expected to speak roughly 35 minutes 
beginning at 8 pm ET...We're told that the President will give "remarks", not a speech 
or address...We take it live of course and then get reax from Sen. Joe Biden 
(D-DE)...But that's not all...We begin our 7 pm ET show with Dana Priest and Robin 
Wright from the Washington Post & NBC News' Andrea Mitchell & Mik from the 
Pentagon...Our panel of experts will take you behind the scenes into America's "secret 
war" in Iraq & Afghanistan...We'll examine the role of the CIA, the roots of tough 
interrogation methods & a brief history of the Geneva Conventions...It's a 
Hardball/Washington Post exclusive report... 

Howard & Joe Scarborough will do some pre-"remarks" analysis in the back half of the 7 
pm ET show which will take us right up to the speech itself...

Yes folks, break out the TV trays, pop the popcorn and order up the carry out...It's a 
big cable news night tonight!

PS Let us know how we're doing...Hit "reply" and send us your thoughts...Pls keep them 
concise...Thank you.

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush to lay out Iraq details...With support for his Iraq policies at an all-time low, 
President Bush will deliver a prime-time speech Monday seeking to assure the public he 
has a strategy for handing over power to Iraqis on June 30. 

Monday night's speech at the Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, marks the 
start of a public relations campaign designed to shore up Bush's standing and draw the 
public's attention from bloodshed to the transition. (Reuters) 

4 killed in Baghdad explosion...A rocket-propelled grenade destroyed an armor-plated  
civilian car Monday near an entrance to the headquarters of the U.S.-led coalition, 
killing two British citizens and seriously injuring one other person, authorities said.

U.S., Britain present U.N. resolution on Iraq...Draft gives details on plan for new 
interim government on June 30 (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5046836/

Retired General Assails Planning for Iraq War...Zinni Warns Against Staying the Course 
(The Washington Post) 

Btw, We've got Zinni on the show tomorrow night!!

The Rise and Fall of Chalabi: Bush's Mr. Wrong...Ahmad Chalabi may go down as one of 
the great con men of history. But his powerful American friends are on the defensive 
now, and Chalabi himself is under attack. (Newsweek) 

Chalabi denies passing on sensitive U.S. info...One-time favorite Iraqi exile of 
Pentagon says he's being smeared (Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5041610/

U.S. denies Sanchez witnessed prison abuse...Washington Post: Top U.S. commander knew 
about interrogation methods (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5032107/

Navy investigator targets Guantanamo Bay...Abuse may have spread to Abu Ghraib, whose 
chief is suspended (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5032107/

A videotape obtained Sunday by Associated Press Television News captures a wedding 
party that survivors say was later attacked by U.S. planes early Wednesday, killing up 
to 45 people.  

The Ultimate Insider...Richard N. Perle's Many Business Ventures Followed His Years as 
a Defense Official (The Washington Post) 

Perle ties 

Networks won't air Bush's primetime speech...Address on future of Iraq will be aired 
on MSNBC-TV (Hollywood Reporter) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5050891/

President Bush's national security team, which has stayed remarkably intact despite 
missteps in Iraq and his slumping approval ratings, is likely to undergo a major 
facelift if Bush wins a second term. Maybe even before.  (AP) 

Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader said he had advised John Kerry to 
choose North Carolina Sen. John Edwards or Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt as his running 
mate on the Democratic ticket. (AP) 

Democrat John Kerry joked about President Bush's weekend bicycle accident by comparing 
the president to a child, Internet newshound Matt Drudge reported yesterday. (The 
Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040523-112924-2653r.htm

President Bush's campaign yesterday threatened to hold four days of campaign rallies 
to yank the media spotlight from Boston's Democratic National Convention if Sen. John 
F. Kerry delays accepting his party's nomination. (Boston Herald) 

Air America, the fledgling radio network billed as the liberal antidote to 
conservative talk radio, appears to be tanking. But the same establishment media that 
ballyhooed the radio network's rise is mostly silent on its subsequent fall, said a 
media watchdog group. (CNSnews.com) 

Wonkette's Washington Gossip Roundup 

Sopranos' weekly body count: May 23 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4484198/


Suellentrop: Douglas Feith...What has the Pentagon's third man done wrong? Everything. 

Fund on the Trail: Don't Touch That Dial?...Radio hosts worry about the FCC's 
indecency regulations. What about political speech? 

Novak: No lack of warning on Chalabi 

Carl Bernstein: History lesson: GOP must stop Bush 

Barnicle: Bush missed the chance to unify...Listening to Rudy Giuliani talk the other 
day before the 9/11 commission brought back the memory of standing along lower 
Broadway one evening after the buildings fell and the world changed forever. (NY Daily 
News) http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ideas_opinions/story/195969p-169318c.html

Pat: Were John Kerry a little less of an establishmentarian and more of a populist, 
George Bush would be in deeper trouble than he already is. 

Corn: Can Iraq Get Any Worse?...With the Chalabi raid, the "wedding" attack, the 
prison scandal, the answer, alas, is yes. 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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