            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp

There's only one big story tonight folks and if I even have to remind you that this is 
a "break out the popcorn, must see TV kind of night" you need to hang up your cable 
news cleats and hit the showers...To paraphrase Tenet to Bush on Iraq's WMD war 
rationale, It's a "slam dunk"...

We lead the show with Graham to the second power (or Graham squared, if you 
will)...Bob & Lindsey...One Democrat, the other Republican...One from Florida, the 
other from South Carolina...We may even throw in some of the "Rice on the Hill meeting 
behind closed doors on Chalabi and the President retaining a lawyer" thing as well...

Chalabi's out today slamming Tenet, accusing him of being behind the espionage charges 
against Our Man in Baghdad...

Shuster check's in the "C" or 3rd block of the show with a package on Tenet and the 
circumstances surrounding his departure...I've taken an advance sneak peak look at 
David's script and he goes into the resignation with a keen eye towards the neocon v. 
moderates civil war in this administration..

In the D block we talk to former Clinton CIA Chief James Woolsey...Expect Chris to be 
on fire against one of Washington's top neocons...

Later in the show we get political fallout from home and abroad from Newsweek's Lally 
Weymouth and Howard Fineman...I hear Howard's gonna deliver the inside scoop on the 
resignation...He always does...

>From the Briefing Fun File..

Photo of our Hardball Beats CNN banner posted on Wonkette 

Cablenewser has the T-Shirt photos 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Tenet resigning as director of CIA...President says intelligence chief has done 
'superb' job (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5129314/

Tenet, 51, has come under fire in recent months for having assured Bush before last 
year's invasion of Iraq that Iraqi president Saddam Hussein harbored weapons of mass 
destruction, a key justification for the decision to go to war. (The Washington Post) 

Bush consults private attorney...President Bush has consulted a private attorney in 
case he is interviewed or forced to testify about who may have leaked the name of a 
covert CIA operative to the media last summer, the White House said Wednesday.

"It speaks for itself that the president initially claimed he wanted to get to the 
bottom of this, but now he's suddenly retained a lawyer," said Jano Cabrera, spokesman 
for the Democratic National Committee. "Bush shouldn't drag the country through grand 
juries and legal maneuvering. President Bush should come forward with what he knows 
and come clean with the American people." (AP) 

Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi accused CIA director George Tenet on Thursday of being 
responsible for allegations that the former exile leader passed intelligence 
information to Iran. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040603/D82VMB3O0.html

Army delays soldiers' retirements...The Army will prevent soldiers in units set to 
deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan from leaving the service at the end of their terms, a 
top general said Wednesday. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5120982/

Al-Sistani OKs government...Iraq's most influential Shiite cleric gave his tacit 
endorsement to the new interim government Thursday, and urged it to lobby the U.N. 
Security Council for full sovereignty to erase "all traces" of the American-run 

Iraq's new interim government will have no veto over future military operations by 
American-led forces after the U.S.-British occupation formally ends on June 30, 
Secretary of State Colin Powell said.  (Reuters) 

Kevin Sites: A grunt's eye view of war...Tedium and tension for U.S. unit dug in 
around Karbala http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5112172/

Iraqis see unkept promises in occupation...In Baqubah, residents chafe at rebuilding 
delays (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5123779/

National security adviser Condoleezza Rice yesterday promised Congress a full 
investigation into allegations that an Iraqi politician supported by the Pentagon told 
Iran the United States had broken the code it used for secret communications, and U.S. 
officials said the revelation destroyed an important source of intelligence. (The 
Washington Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A11043-2004Jun2.html

Saying President Bush has weakened the country abroad and at home, Sen. John Kerry 
told a Kansas City campaign rally Wednesday night that this presidential election is 
about restoring America. (Kansas City Star) 

Kerry says military is spread too thin..U.S. in danger of creating 'another hollow 
Army' (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5129079/

Kerry says Bush fuels anger at US...Criticizes Iraq policy at bioterror forum (The 
Boston Globe) 

Bush will rank high, Rice says...Security chief believes he will be compared with 
Roosevelt and Churchill (AP) 

Conservatives are grumbling that President Bush let Senate Democrats snooker him when 
he agreed to quit using recess appointments to install his most contentious nominees 
on federal appeals courts while Congress is out of town. (AP) 

Don King, the wild-haired boxing promoter, is touring the country with Republican 
National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie to tout President Bush's re-election. (AP) 

'Fahrenheit 9/11' trailer will be in theaters Friday...Preview of controversial film 
available now on Moore's Web site (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5129087/


Katrina: It's Not a War...It's time to stop calling the post 9/11 struggle against 
terrorism a "war." Iraq is a (disastrous) war; Afghanistan was a brief one. 

Novak: Bush ads turning off GOP base 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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