            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Tonight Andrea honchos another big name blockbuster of a show as we slice and dice the 
"TOP" (Transfer of Power) from all angles...Dan Senor, the former CPA spokesman, is 
back from Baghdad and sits down to discuss his work over there and what lies ahead for 
the nascent Iraqi government...

It was announced over the weekend that John McCain will have a prominent speaking role 
at the RNC convention in New York...We'll preview what his message will be, get his 
take on the TOP and assess the impact Iraq will have on Bush's reelection campaign...

Senator Chuck Hagel, a Vietnam vet who was elected to the Senate from Nebraska in '96, 
will stop by to chat up Andrea with his thoughts on Iraq...Hagel sits on the Senate 
Foreign Relations Committee and brings great gravitas to the subject matter.

Finally Howard Dean will weigh in on Iraq, his support for Kerry and the new NYT poll 
out today...Speaking of Howard Dean, his former campaign manager Joe Trippi has a new 
book coming out which we'll discuss with him next week and Shuster will do a set up 

Housekeeping note:

Chris will return on Monday July 5th from vacation....For those special Shuster fan 
club members, David is heading off on vacation tomorrow and will return next Tuesday...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

3 Marines killed in Baghdad blast...Guerrillas detonated a roadside bomb as a U.S. 
convoy passed in Baghdad on Tuesday, killing three American marines and wounding two, 
the U.S. military said. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5322157/

Saddam to face Iraqi court...Iraq's Prime Minister Iyad Allawi declared that Saddam 
Hussein will be handed over to Iraqi custody on Wednesday and face charges before an 
Iraqi court the following day. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5314794/

Bush says Mideast's future is freedom...Speech promoting democracy lauds Turkish model 
(AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5323486/

Three Turkish hostages freed in Iraq...Father pleas for kidnapped U.S. Marine's 
release (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5310187/

Friends and supporters of Army Spc. Keith "Matt" Maupin gathered in vigils and prayer 
Monday while his family waited behind closed doors for the official word on his fate, 
amid reports that Iraqi militants had killed him. (Cincy Enquirer) 

>From occupation to 'partnership'...Despite threat of violence, U.S. soldiers prepare 
>to slip into the background (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5320385/

U.S. Sen. John McCain said Monday he supports the surprise decision by the U.S.-led 
Coalition Provisional Authority to grant power to Iraqi's interim government two days 
early. (AP) http://www.azdailysun.com/non_sec/nav_includes/story.cfm?storyID=89784

WP: Bremer's mission ends...L. Paul Bremer arrived here almost 14 months ago with a 
seemingly limitless reserve of energy and a mission unparalleled in U.S. diplomatic 
history: to remake a nation by using near-dictatorial powers. When he left Iraq on 
Monday after surrendering authority to an interim government, it was with a somber air 
of exhaustion. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5320332/

Shuster: How the handover could affect the November elections

Americans are skeptical about the turnover of political control to Iraqis at a time 
the country has not been stabilized, according to polls released Monday. (AP) 

The Bush administration must regroup legally and politically after the Supreme Court 
dealt a major setback to the government's anti-terrorism tactics since the Sept. 11, 
2001 attacks. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040629/D83GN95G0.html

Despite concerns about his handling of Iraq, and an overall approval rating of 42%, 
George W. Bush is still running neck and neck with Democrat John Kerry as the choice 
of registered voters. Growing public optimism about the nation's economy has helped 
lift support for the President. (CBS News/NYT) 

President Bush's continued edge over Democrat John Kerry on leadership skills and 
battling terrorism are keeping the presidential race close despite widespread concerns 
about Iraq, a bipartisan poll suggests. (AP) 

Kerry Urged to Do More to Get Black Votes...Lack of Diversity Among Top Campaign 
Officials, Absence in Community Are Concerns (The Washington Post) 

President Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry are locked in a very close race in 
their battle for the 27 electoral votes in Florida, according to a new poll in the 
essential swing state of 2000. (AP) 

Veep wannabe's play the waiting game...Kerry choice expected before convention 
(Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5318106/

Cheney trumpets Iraq turnover, chides Kerry...Hours after yesterday's early transfer 
of sovereignty to Iraq, Vice President Dick Cheney reminded Republicans that Sen. John 
Kerry had once "described himself as an opponent of the war." (The Washington Times) 

The heavily Democratic San Francisco Bay area welcomed two of its political darlings 
Monday, with former President Clinton continuing his blockbuster book tour and Sen. 
Hillary Rodham Clinton headlining a campaign fund-raiser. (AP) 

Former President Clinton and Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts are in line for 
prime speaking slots at the Democratic National Convention in Boston next month. (AP) 

Featured speakers at the Republican convention in New York will include John McCain, 
Rudolph Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger, party officials said on Monday, while 
Boston's Democratic convention will spotlight party icons Bill Clinton and Edward 
Kennedy. (Reuters) 

When they arrived at an event Monday and found that Iraq's new chief justice and 
president as well as U.S. governor L. Paul Bremer were there, CNN's Christiane 
Amanpour and ABC's Peter Jennings looked at each other. Could this be it? Indeed it 
was. (AP) http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/tv/aptv_story.asp?category=1401&slug=Iraq+Media


The Washington Times: The Transfer of Power 

The Washington Post: Two Steps Forward 

Leo: Comparing Bush to Hitler no longer confined to loonies 

Kaplan: Let's Hear It for the Handover...Finally, Bush does something right in Iraq. 

Doonesbury http://msnbc.com/comics/daily.asp?sFile=db040629

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

Steiner http://www.washtimes.com/national/steiner.htm

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