            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Another one of those "break out the popcorn and TV tray" nights custom made for 
MSNBC's Hardball...Chris is fired up of course and will be doing hits on the network 
all day slicin' and dicin' the selection of Edwards as Kerry's running mate...Plus, 
we've got a special 9-10 pm ET special on Edwards...

At 7 pm ET we'll talk to Andrea Mitchell who was actually first to break the news at 7 
am ET on Today (Edwards didn't get the official call until 7:30)...She'll lead the 
show with Howard, who is in Pittsburgh where Kerry held a huge rally to make the 
announcement...Gore's former campaign manager, Democratic Diva & the author of her new 
autobiography "Cooking with Grease", Donna Brazile will join Chris as will RNC 
chairman Ed Gillespie...

Later at 9 pm ET, Chris anchors an hour long special on Edwards and what he brings to 
the ticket...We're still putting out our booking calls for that show but you can 
expect it to be truly "must see" TV...We'll definitely have folks from both campaigns 
throwing out the early spin...

All of this is subject to change of course at a moment's notice as news breaks and we 
change up the show in order to bring you the best possible lineup...

A few things to note at this hour

-Republicans are spinning Edwards as Kerry's "second choice."  McCain being the first
-BC04 has released an ad featuring McCain endorsing Bush...The title? "First Choice"
-The DNC and its allies are sending out press e-mails highlighting past divisions 
between McCain & Bush
-The RNC has released an extensive opposition research file on Edwards at 
-Kerry & Edwards are not expected to appear in public today
-We do expect a new Kerry/Edwards ad to be released some time today
-Cheney called Edwards this morning to congratulate him and to tell him he looks 
forward to a spirited debate
-Today is President Bush's 58th birthday

And this exclusive from David Shuster you won't find anywhere else..

"For the Shuster family, July 4 was celebrated in true Indiana style with all of the 
trappings one might associate with a political "red state."  The family's political 
leanings shall remain undisclosed... but voters of all stripes would have appreciated 
our unique and entertaining fireworks display.   My cousin and I rigged various 
fireworks to a couple of remote controlled boats... put the boats on the pond... and 
recreated, for our family's amusement, the battle of midway.  Definitely don't try 
this in states with tight liability laws.  My uncontrollable boat fired awfully close 
to the perplexed captain (me.)   Then, the ship caught fire and sank to the bottom.  
My cousin's boat survived and became the launching pad for remaining bottle rockets, 
fountains, and other assorted devices.  Those things that shoot the parachute soldiers 
were very cool... it was almost as if we were witnessing a "water rescue mission."    
Ah... Indiana in July... nothing beats it.

Today, I'm putting away the pyromaniacal tendencies and going back to political 
reporting.  Tonight, team Shuster is kicking off the 7pm show with a closer look at 
John Edwards.  We will run the money sound byte from Kerry... then show a few clips of 
Edwards... including a recent diatribe over Abu Graib.  Also, the decision to pick 
Edwards was apparently made so last minute that some kerry staffers thought the 
selection was going to be Florida Senator Bob Graham.  The campaign even had 
Kerry/Graham signs at the rally... we've got the video... and a separate pkg for the 
9pm special on the strengths and weaknesses of each ticket." 

More headlines below...Pls stay with MSNBC all night as we cover this developing 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry selected former rival John Edwards to be 
his running mate, calling him a man "who has shown guts and determination and 
political skills in his own race for the presidency of the United States."  (AP) 

Kerry e-mail to supporters on Edwards...VP pick 'understands and defends the values of 
America' http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5376845

Kerry informed his staff of his choice Monday at about 10:30 p.m. (The Washington 
Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A30354-2004Jul6?language=printer

Edwards on the issues: (The Washington Post) 

Edwards gives ticket Southern ID...The only Democrats to win the presidency in the 
past 40 years have been Southerners. If John Kerry wins on Nov. 2, he'll break that 
streak, but with a boost from a son of Dixie, his newly-chosen running mate, North 
Carolina Sen. John Edwards.

RNC Release: Who is John Edwards?: A Disingenuous, Unaccomplished Liberal And Friend 
To Personal Injury Trial Lawyers http://www.gop.com/RNCResearch/Read.aspx?id=4345

John Edwards is a multimillionaire trial lawyer and a freshman U.S. senator from North 
Carolina who was considered a rising political star as soon as he arrived in 
Washington five years ago. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040706/D83LAI1O0.html

John Edwards is a multimillionaire former trial lawyer with wide-ranging investments 
in mutual funds, stocks of major American corporations, and bonds of North Carolina 
educational and governmental organizations, according to the North Carolina senator's 
financial disclosure statement. (AP) 

President Bush's re-election campaign will launch a television ad featuring former 
Republican rival John McCain and titled "First Choice," an effort to paint Democrat 
John Kerry's running mate as his second choice. (AP) 

N.Y. Post jumps the gun on Kerry V.P. choice...Tuesday's front page reports that 
Gephardt got the nod http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5377014/

3 U.S. Marines killed in Iraq...Three U.S. Marines assigned to the 1st Marine 
Expeditionary Force were killed while on duty in Western Iraq, the military said in a 
statement Tuesday. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5322157/

Family: Marine has been freed...The family of a Lebanese-born U.S. Marine held hostage 
in Iraq said it was confident Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun had been freed and was well, 
though relatives have not heard directly from him, his brother said Tuesday. 

Blair says Iraqi WMD may never be found...But British leader insists Saddam posed 
threat to world (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5376978/

Security intensifies for political conventions...Events in N.Y., Boston seen as terror 
targets (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5372901/

Exercising a new passion, President Bush spent the day before his 58th birthday riding 
his mountain bike on the grounds of a Secret Service training facility near 
Washington. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040705/D83KP5H83.html

Supporters of traditional marriage in Michigan yesterday turned in some 475,000 
signatures - far more than the 317,000 needed - to put a state constitutional 
amendment before the voters in November. (The Washington Times) 


Schlafly: To celebrate independence, we must have sovereignty 

Pat: Let Europe Fend for Itself: http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=39276

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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