            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

The Abu Ghraib report from Rumsfeld's independent commission is hitting the Beltway 
today and we'll get into what's inside the thing. The Post reports on some of the 
explosive charges below. We'll also talk to NBC's Fred Francis who's covering the 
trial of seven MPs in Mannheim, Germany for Abu Ghraib abuses.  These are the pretrial 
hearings mind you.

The AP reports that Staff Sgt. Ivan L. "Chip" Frederick II issued a statement Monday 
saying he would plead guilty to some charges. He is charged with maltreating 
detainees, conspiracy to maltreat detainees, dereliction of duty and wrongfully 
committing an indecent act. We'll talk to Chip's uncle William Lawson about the guilty 

We then dive back into the Swift Boat controversy with Terry Musser, a Wisconsin State 
Rep who wants Bush to denounce the ads, and Bobby Mueller from the Vietnam Veterans of 
America...We'll get Terry's take on the President "denouncing all this stuff being on 
TV of the 527s."  Is this enough of a denunciation for Terry?  Btw, What's a 527? 
Shuster has more below...

We wrap up the politics of it all with Tony Coehlo and Ed Rollins...We'll throw in 
some sound from Kerry's NYC speech today which he delivered earlier today...

>From Shuster's Corner: The Swift boat Veterans for Truth are one of those "527 
>organizations."  Don't worry about the section of the federal code... just know that 
>527's are supposed to be "separate and independent" from the presidential campaigns.  
>And when you look at the republican 527's versus the democratic 527's... the 
>democrats are winning hands down in terms of fundraising and spending.  Is that why 
>President Bush wants to ban "all 527's?"  Hmmmm.  (Apart from 527's, the republicans 
>have an advantage when it comes to direct contributions to the party and the 
>Presidential campaign.  And the 527 "Swifty's" have gotten more free media than all 
>of the democratic 527's combined.)   However, tonight's package looks at the 
>difference in $$$ between the various 527's... and we also look at the differences in 
>style.  Moveon.org is rolling out 10 new ads tonight that feature Hollywood's best 
>directors, writers, and actors.  (Okay, maybe Charlie Sheen is not one of Hollywood's 
>best... but you get the idea.)   

Bellone's note: Look for the Bushies to come out and denounce tonight's "star-studded 
Hollywood hate-fest" (I just love that phrase!)in New York where the Moveon.org ads 
are being released to great fanfare.  

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball from Washington, DC

In N.Y., Kerry asks GOP to halt 'fear and smear'...Democrat accuses Bush of avoiding 
real issues http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5807010/

Bush team lacks clear economic plan, critics say (The Washington Post) 

Abuse probe faults commanders...The Pentagon commission investigating abuse at Abu 
Ghraib will accuse top commanders of responsibility for disorganization that led to 
wrongdoing at the prison, NBC News has learned. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5800201/

Iraqi Teens Abused at Abu Ghraib, Report Finds...Officials Say Inquiry Also Confirms 
Prisoners Were Hidden From Aid Groups (The Washington Post) 

A U.S. military judge refused on Tuesday to let lawyers question Defense Secretary 
Donald H. Rumsfeld and a key deputy in the case against an Army reservist charged with 
abusing inmates at Abu Ghraib prison. (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5799105/

Bush calls for halt to anti-Kerry ads...President Bush says a veterans group should 
stop television ads criticizing John Kerry's war record. 

Sammon: President Bush yesterday denounced TV ads that question Democratic 
presidential nominee John Kerry's Vietnam record and called on the senator from 
Massachusetts to be equally critical of ads financed by Democratic "billionaires 
writing checks." http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040824-124651-6353r.htm

Curry: A 'filthy, obscene memory' or a heroic one?...Kerry, Swift Boat veterans battle 
over war crimes charges http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5797822/

Kerry Team Lines Up Vietnam Witnesses...Bush Again Declines To Condemn Attack Ad (The 
Washington Post) 

When a Republican-funded group of Vietnam veterans sought to run a blistering 
television ad accusing John Kerry of lying about his decorated war record, Democrats 
quickly fired off a letter to broadcasters imploring them not to air the 
"inflammatory, outrageous lie." (AP) 

Controversial book "Unfit for Command," which fires an election-year salvo at 
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's war record, has claimed one unintended 
victim -- bookstore chain Barnes & Noble Inc. (Reuters) 

Kerry bid to make Bush 'goat' for 9/11 seen risky...Sen. John Kerry's presidential 
campaign is belittling President Bush for his immediate reaction to the September 11 
terrorist attacks, stepping up its response to recent criticism of Mr. Kerry's conduct 
during the Vietnam War. (The Washington Times) 

Iraqi guardsmen ring Najaf shrine...In Baghdad, 5 said killed in attacks aimed at 
government ministers http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5685031/ 

Most Floridians are satisfied with the way President Bush responded to Hurricane 
Charley, according to a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll. But that has not changed the 
dynamic of the presidential race, which remains a virtual tie between Bush and 
Democrat John Kerry in the critical Southern state 

Democratic Party chief Terry McAuliffe says his party doesn't need to help the 
thousands of protesters who will descend on New York in anticipation of next week's 
Republican National Convention. (AP) 

Heinz defines 'un-American'...Bush administration has misled U.S. on economy, war, he 
says (The Patriot News) 

Sean (Puffy) Combs hasn't had a day like this since J.Lo kicked him to the curb. His 
Diddiness scrubbed last night's scheduled performance at the new Ohio slavery museum 
over what the rap mogul feels was a snub by the First Lady's office. 

Hollywood star-studded "hatefest": MoveOn, Mobilizing the A-List Against W...Hip-hop 
impresario Benny Boom, who has directed videos for P. Diddy, Lil' Kim and LL Cool J, 
didn't need to have his arm twisted to join an anti-Bush advertising campaign. (Kurtz) 


The Washington Times: Soft money, hard sell...Ostensibly independent - though clearly 
Democratic-oriented - 527 political organizations, such as MoveOn.org and the Media 
Fund, have been financing TV ads and other political activities with unlimited 
soft-money contributions, which the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance legislation 
prohibited national political party committees from receiving after the 2002 election. 

The Wall Street Journal: Vietnam Boomerang...John Kerry's "war crimes" libel returns 
to haunt him. http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110005519

Terry: Who has allowed more harm to come to more babies during childbirth: John 
Edwards or the doctors he sued? http://www.humaneventsonline.com/article.php?id=4819

Katrina: The Bush Air War...Bush is waging the most negative assault in modern times. 

Flinging the foul mud of Vietnam...The next time the nation gets into a war, why would 
any American with an interest in national service show up to fight? When did the U.S. 
come to blithely accept the tarring for political gain of honorably discharged combat 
veterans? Obviously, I'm talking about the attacks on John Kerry by a bunch of angry, 
Bush-backing Vietnam-war vets who claim the Democratic candidate doesn't deserve all 
of the medals, which include Bronze and Silver Stars and three Purple Hearts, that he 
won in combat in Vietnam. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5797119/

Why Kerry's war record matters...Almost 30 years after the last helicopter fled the 
roof of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, Vietnam remains the great American quagmire. You 
might think it should belong to history by now, especially after the Clinton years, 
when voters took the measure of a former draft dodger -- one who had been so bold as 
to put his "loathing for the military" on paper -- and judged him fit and worthy to 
become America's Commander-in-Chief. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5797120/

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