            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Dear Briefing buddies,

I can proudly report Dominic is feeling better.  Not only do his doctors give him a 
big thumbs up, but he is yelling at the TV in the hospital because there is only one 
cable news channel available. I will give you a hint -- it's the one MSNBC beat again 
Monday night in most of primetime. Dom Dom just relax, we are taping every show so you 
can catch up!

Tonight it's a double dose of Hardball.  We call it Hardball Wednesday, because once 
is not enough!

On the 7pm show: Senator Joe Biden is on fire....AND later, Senior Kerry Advisor Tad 
Devine and the GOP strategist, Ed Rodgers.  Michael Isikoff, from Newsweek, gives us a 
first look at the story CBS News dropped to fit in the now false Bush National Guard 
documents story.

On the 9pm show, our first Hardball Newsweek Special report featuring Jon Meacham, 
Managing Editor of Newsweek and NBC News Andrea Mitchell. Plus, an encore presentation 
of Senator John McCain's conversation with Chris about Iraq. 

Meanwhile debate preparations continue at Hardball, as well as campaign headquarters 
around the nation's Capitol. Details to come. 

Happy Hardballing,

Tammy Haddad
Executive Producer

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