            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight's show promises to be so hot we're kickin' it for 2 hours! 7 & 9 pm 
ET...That's 4 & 6 pm PT...Forget the 7th game of the American League Championship at 
Yankee stadium, the real action is taking place at Democracy Plaza at Rockefeller 
Center, where we're broadcasting live...If it wasn't for democracy we probably 
wouldn't even have baseball...or, ah, something like that...We're not only bringing 
you the latest news and analysis from the smartest folks in the biz, we're celebrating 
the very political ideology on which this country was founded.  You won't see that on 
the other guys' networks!

More on Democracy Plaza 

We'll have the Hardball All-Stars on hand: Andrea, Reagan, Campbell, Rollins, 
Ginsburg, Ron Silver and a number of special guests including "the Rev" Al Sharpton, 
Gore '00 lawyer David Boies & TV legend Norman Lear on his involvement in Democracy 
Plaza...And of course, David Shuster's one of a kind reportage is not to be missed..

A fun time is promised for all...Pls Join Us..

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from inside the 
Beltway...Thanks for your notes of encouragement you've sent.  Your loyalty is greatly 

NBC poll: 'As close to dead-even as it comes'...72 percent think outcome will have 
major impact on them http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6283969/

The President continues to outperform Kerry on fighting terrorism, and some numbers 
have moved in his direction on Iraq -- including a 4-point uptick in his job approval 
on foreign policy, and the fact that more voters now say they feel more confident 
about success in Iraq...NBC/Journal pollster Bill McInturff (R) suggests that across 
the course of the debates, voters determined that Bush laid out a rationale for what's 
important and why success is necessary in Iraq. Also, he said, the debates themselves 
moved the media's and voters' focus away from the war. And on top of that, most of 
Bush's campaign ads lately have tied a need for vigilance at home to vigilance in 
Iraq.  (NBC's First Read Memo) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3626796/ 

Bush: Kerry Unable to Win War on Terror (AP) 

Kerry: Bush Isn't Leader He Claims to Be (AP) 

Clinton will hit the trail with Kerry...Former president to appear at Monday rally in 
Philly (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6289244/

Rice hitting the road to speak...National security adviser's trips to swing states 
break precedent (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6285609/

Democrat John Kerry on Wednesday was charging that the war in Iraq demonstrates that 
President Bush is not the leader he claims to be. A Bush aide said the president is 
"more than happy to continue to debate .. how is best to win the war on terror." 
(MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6288142/

Kerry stresses support of allies...Democrat sees multiple lessons in Vietnam war (The 
Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6285590/

Candidates' ads push factual envelope....Bush, Kerry battling caricatures (The 
Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6285491/

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry says he would discontinue the color-coded 
terror alerts issued by the Department of Homeland Security and find "some more 
thoughtful way of alerting America," according to an interview in Rolling Stone 
magazine. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20041020/D85R99H01.html

Sinclair will not air entire anti-Kerry film...In retreat, broadcaster to show parts 
of documentary (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6287678/

Armies of lawyers gear up for election battles...Both parties recruiting help in case 
of another ballot dispute (Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6282404/

Legal Battle for Presidency Underway...Lawsuits Over Election Rules Pending, With Both 
Sides Gearing Up for More (The Washington Post) 

Billionaire currency trader George Soros, in his quest to unseat President Bush, has 
given millions of dollars to a coalition of anti-Bush organizations whose nationwide 
voter-registration drive has been targeted by state and federal authorities for 
possible widespread fraud. (The Washington Times) 

Curry: 10 keys to the presidential election...Weather, Nader, hawkish Democrats all 
play a role http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6281130/

Kerry Slow to Energize Black Vote...John Kerry was making promises the other day. That 
African-Americans would not be deprived of their votes. That his "voter protection 
dream team" would make sure of it. That 2004 would not be a repeat of 2000. (USA 

Italian Official: Kerry Changes His Mind Too Much (Reuters) 

Pessimistic Kerry supporters predict Bush will be the victor...American voters, while 
split over who should be the next president, overwhelmingly predict that President 
Bush will vanquish Sen. John Kerry, an expectation that could affect the outcome of a 
close election.  (The Washington Times) 

A Fox News Channel producer who filed a sex harassment lawsuit against talk show host 
Bill O'Reilly filed new accusations Tuesday, alleging she has lost her job because she 
complained to Fox about her alleged mistreatment. (AP) 

Bill O'Reilly accuser turned down $2 million to make her sexual harassment complaint 
disappear, sources told the Daily News. (NY Daily News) 

Campaigning with Leonardo DiCaprio...He wanted to talk about the environment in Tampa. 
His adoring fans had other ideas. (St. Petersburg Times) 

Hometown hottie Matt Damon doesn't rest when it comes to politicking for his 
presidential pick John Kerry - even whilst in Germany! ``I would pay $1 million to 
have Kerry in the White House,'' the actor said at the premiere of ``The Bourne 
Supremacy'' in Berlin the other night. (The Boston Herald) 


Pat: Kerry's Self Inflicted Wound: http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=41006

Illana: Kerry's Cowardly Convergence http://www.antiwar.com/mercer/

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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